时间: 2025-03-12 07:55:25
1. adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的
2. vt. 等于;比得上
3. n. 对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:
"Equal" 的字面含义是“相等的”或“平等的”,表示数量、程度、价值等方面的相同或一致。 -
该单词可以作为形容词、动词和名词使用:- 形容词:表示相同的、平等的。
- 动词:表示使相等、使平等。
- 名词:指相等的事物或人。
2. 词源与起源
"Equal" 源自拉丁语 "aequalis",意为“相等的、相同的”。"aequus" 意为“平坦的、平等的”。它的构成没有前缀,但有后缀 "-al",通常用于形成形容词。 -
“Equal” 一词在英语中的首次记录可以追溯到13世纪,通常用于数学和法律术语中,表示数量或权利的对等。 -
3. 使用场景
- 正式语境:在法律文件、学术研究和商务报告中使用,例如:“All citizens are equal before the law.”(所有公民在法律面前都是平等的。)
- 非正式语境:在日常对话和社交媒体中使用,例如:“I just want to be treated as an equal.”(我只想被平等对待。)
在法律领域,"equal" 常用于讨论权利和义务,例如“equal protection under the law”(法律下的平等保护)。在科学中,可能用于描述实验结果的相等性。
4. 示例句子
The two teams are equal in skill.
这两支球队在技能上是平等的。 -
Everyone deserves equal rights.
每个人都应享有平等的权利。 -
To solve the equation, you must find the value that makes both sides equal.
要解这个方程,你必须找到使两边相等的值。 -
The teacher treated all students as equals.
老师把所有学生都视为平等的。 -
In a fair society, people should be treated equally.
*. The equal sign (=) indicates that the values on both sides are the same.
Their contributions to the project were equal in importance.
他们对项目的贡献在重要性上是平等的。 -
The law ensures that all individuals are equal before justice.
法律确保所有个体在正义面前是平等的。 -
The committee aims to create equal opportunities for all applicants.
委员会旨在为所有申请者创造平等的机会。 -
Equal pay for equal work is a fundamental right.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Equivalent:通常指在数量、价值或效果上相等,稍微更正式。
- Comparable:强调可以进行比较,但不一定完全相等。
- Unequal:表示不相等,通常用于描述不平等的情况。
- Different:强调在性质、特征或数量上不同。
. 学方法
- 词根记忆法:
通过分析词根 "aequus"(平等)来记忆“equal”的含义。联想与平等相关的词汇,如 "equity"(公平)和 "equilibrium"(平衡)来加深印象。
7. 关联词汇
- Equal opportunity(平等机会)
- Equal rights(平等权利)
- Equal treatment(平等待遇)
- Equal footing(平等地位)
1、[ADJ] If two things are equal or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same in size, number, standard, or value. 相等的
例:Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以借与房地产购买价相等数额的款项。
例:...in a population having equal numbers of men and women.…男女人数相等的人口中。
2、[ADJ] If different groups of people have equal rights or are given equal treatment, they have the same rights or are treated the same as each other, however different they are. 平等的 (权利、待遇等)
例:We will be demanding equal rights at work.我们将要求工作中的平等权利。
例:...the commitment to equal opportunities.…平等机会的承诺。
3、[[v-link ADJ]] If you say that people are equal, you mean that they have or should have the same rights and opportunities as each other. (权利、机会等) 平等的
例:We are equal in every way.我们在各方面都是平等的。
4、[N-COUNT] Someone who is your equal has the same ability, status, or rights as you have. (能力、地位或权利等) 同等的人
例:She was one of the boys, their equal.她是男孩们中的一员,和他们平起平坐。
5、[[v-link ADJ 'to' n]] If someone is equal to a particular job or situation, they have the necessary ability, strength, or courage to deal successfully with it. 能成功应付 (某工作、某情形等) 的
例:She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.她决意要成功应对该公司对他们的任何考验。
6、[V-LINK] If something equals a particular number or amount, it is the same as that amount or the equivalent of that amount. (数量上) 等于
例:9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent.9%的利息减去7%的通货膨胀等于2%。
7、[V-T] To equal something or someone means to be as good or as great as them. 比得上
例:The victory equalled the team's best in history.这次胜利平了该队历史上的最佳。
8、[PHRASE] If you say "other things being equal" or "all things being equal" when talking about a possible situation, you mean if nothing unexpected happens or if there are no other factors that affect the situation. 同等条件下; 如无意外情况发生
例:It appears reasonable to assume that, other things being equal, most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.似乎有理由这样想:同等条件下,大多数旅店房客更喜欢住单人间而不愿意与人合住。