时间: 2025-03-13 11:46:58
1. vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴
2. vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住
3. n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人
4. n. (Stick)人名;(芬)斯蒂克
1. 基本定义:
"Stick" 的基本含义是指一根长而细的物体,通常是木制的。它也可以用作动词,表示将某物固定在某处或附着于某物。 -
- 名词:stick
- 动词:to stick
2. 词源与起源:
"Stick" 源自古英语 "sticca",意思是“长条形物体”。该词没有前缀,后缀 "-ick" 是一个常见的名词后缀。 -
"Stick" 最早可以追溯到公元前的英语文献中,尤其是在生存和日常活动的上下文中,常常与工具、武器和建筑材料有关。 -
在*的英语教材中,"stick" 可能出现在小学和初中的词汇学中。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在基础英语和初中阶段的阅读理解中出现。
3. 使用场景:
- 在正式场合,"stick" 可能用作技术或学术讨论中的术语。例如,科学文献中可能提到 "stickiness"(粘性)。
- 在非正式场合,"stick" 常用于日常交流中,如 "Can you pass me that stick?"(你能把那根棍子递给我吗?)。
- 在法律领域,"stick" 可能用来指代某种约束或限制,例如 "stick to the rules"(遵守规则)。
- 在艺术领域,"stick" 可以指代某种创作工具,比如 "paint stick"(涂料棒)。
4. 示例句子:
The children used a stick to draw in the sand.
孩子们用棍子在沙子上画画。 -
Please stick the notes on the board.
请把便条贴在板子上。 -
He found a stick to help him walk.
他找了一根棍子来帮助他走路。 -
The glue is strong enough to stick the pieces together.
这胶水足够强,可以把这些片段粘在一起。 -
The rules are meant to stick, so please follow them.
*. She couldn't stick to her diet during the holidays.
The sticker won't stick if the surface is dirty.
如果表面脏了,贴纸就粘不住。 -
He used a stick to poke the fire.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Rod:通常指较长的细长物体,用于钓鱼或支撑。
- Twig:指较小的树枝,通常是从树上掉下来的。
微小差异: "Rod" 更常用于描述工具或武器,而 "twig" 通常更具自然特征。
- Loosen:意味着使松开或不再固定。
区别: "Stick" 代表固定,而 "loosen" 代表松开。
. 学方法:
可以将 "stick" 这一词根与其他以 "stick" 开头的词汇结合学*,如 "sticky"(粘性的)和 "stickiness"(粘性),以加强对概念的理解。
7. 关联词汇:
- 常见搭配:
- Stick to (坚持)
- Stick together (团结)
- Stick out (突出)
- Stick with (继续)
通过这些搭配,学*者可以更好地理解 "stick" 的用法和实际语境。
1、[N-COUNT] A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree. 枝条
例:...people carrying bundles of dried sticks to sell for firewood.…背着成捆枯枝当柴火卖的人。
2、[N-COUNT] A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for a particular purpose. 棍
例:...lollipop sticks.…棒棒糖棍。
例:...drum sticks.…鼓槌。
3、[N-COUNT] Some long thin objects that are used in sports are called sticks. 球棒
例:...lacrosse sticks.…长曲棍球球球棒。
例:...hockey sticks.…曲棍球棒。
4、[N-COUNT] A stick of something is a long thin piece of it. 条状物
例:...a stick of celery.…一根芹菜。
5、[[英国英语]] A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for supporting someone's weight or for hitting people or animals. 拐杖; (袭击用的) 棍子
例:He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his stick.他身着灰色西服,吃力地倚着手杖。
6、[[非正式]] If someone gets the wrong end of the stick or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, they do not understand something correctly and get the wrong idea about it. 误解
例:I think someone has got the wrong end of the stick. They should have established the facts before speaking out.我想有人误解了。他们本应该在查证事实之后再发表意见。
7、[[非正式]] If you stick something somewhere, you put it there in a rather casual way. 随意放置
例:He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer.他把文件折起扔进书桌抽屉里。
8、[V-T/V-I] If you stick a pointed object in something, or if it sticks in something, it goes into it or through it by making a cut or hole. 使扎入; 扎入
例:They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back.他们派来很多男护士,在我的背部扎了根针。
9、[V-I] If something is sticking out from a surface or object, it extends up or away from it. If something is sticking into a surface or object, it is partly in it. 伸出
例:They lay where they had fallen from the crane, sticking out of the water.他们位于从那台起重机上摔下的地方,部分露在水面。
10、[V-T] If you stick one thing to another, you attach it using glue, Scotch tape, or another sticky substance. 粘贴
例:Don't forget to clip the token and stick it on your card.别忘了剪下代金券,并贴在你的卡上。
11、[V-I] If one thing sticks to another, it becomes attached to it and is difficult to remove. 粘住
例:The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough.土粘在刃上,卡住了犁。
例:Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake.如果蜡纸粘住蛋糕底部,就把它撕掉。
12、[V-I] If something sticks in your mind, you remember it for a long time. 经久留驻
例:The incident stuck in my mind because it was the first example I had seen of racism in that country.那个事件令我难以忘怀,因为那是我看到的那个国家的第一例种族歧视事件。
13、[V-I] If something which can usually be moved sticks, it becomes fixed in one position. 卡住
例:The needle on the dial went right around to fifty feet, which was as far as it could go, and there it stuck.刻度盘上的指针一下转到了50英尺处,即其所能达到的最大刻度,然后卡在了那里。