
时间: 2025-03-10 16:20:50





1. vt. 燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起…的愤怒

2. vi. 燃烧;烧毁;发热

3. n. 灼伤,烧伤;烙印

4. n. (Burn)人名;(英)伯恩


CET4   TEM4    ( burning, burnt, burns )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思
    • "Burn" 的字面含义是指通过火或热的作用使某物变得炽热或产生火焰,导致物体的损毁或变质。它也可以指身体因接触热物体或化学物质而遭受的伤害。
  • 词性
    • 动词(verb)和名词(noun)。作为动词时,指“燃烧”或“烧伤”;作为名词时,指“烧伤”或“燃烧的过程”。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析

    • "Burn" 来源于古英语 "bernan",其词根可能与德语 "brennen" 和荷兰语 "branden" 有关,均表示燃烧或发光的意思。
  • 历史背景

    • "Burn" 一词在英语中已有数百年的历史,首次记录的使用可追溯至公元前的古英语文学,常见于古代诗歌和法律文献中。
  • 课本

    • 在**教材中,"burn" 常在初中或高中英语课本中出现,通常涉及与火或热相关的内容。在牛津和美国的教材中,"burn" 可能出现在初中英语和科学课本中,例如在讨论火灾安全、生物体的反应等主题时。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,"burn" 可能用于法律或医学文件中,例如:“The victim suffered severe burns due to the fire.”(受害者因火灾遭受严重烧伤。)
    • 在非正式语境中,"burn" 可以用于日常交流,指代小伤或火灾,例如:“I accidentally burned my hand while cooking.”(我在做饭时不小心烫伤了手。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 在科学领域,"burn" 常用于化学反应的描述,例如:“The substance will burn at a temperature of 500 degrees Celsius.”(该物质在500摄氏度时会燃烧。)

4. 示例句子

  1. The house burned down in the fire.

  2. Be careful not to burn yourself on the stove.

  3. The artist used burnt sienna to create depth in the painting.

  4. He has a burn on his arm from the hot pan.

  5. The campfire burned brightly under the stars.

*. The chemical compound will burn quickly when exposed to air.

  1. She felt a burn in her muscles after the workout.

  2. The teacher warned the students about the dangers of burning trash.

  3. His words burned into my memory.

  4. The burn on the paper was from a careless mistake.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • Scorch:通常指表面被烧焦,强调表面的损害,例如 "The toast was scorched."
    • Char:指物体因火焰或热而变黑,强调炭化过程,例如 "The wood was charred in the fire."
  • 反义词

    • Cool:指降低温度,与"burn"的高温状态相对,例如 "The metal needs to cool down."
    • Extinguish:指扑灭火焰,与"burn"的燃烧状态相反,例如 "Firefighters worked to extinguish the flames."

*. 记忆方法

  • 音标记忆法
    • "Burn" 的音标是 /bɜrn/。可以通过将其分解为“b-urn”来记忆,联想为“b-(火)”的意思,帮助记忆其与火焰的关系。

7. 关联词汇

  • 常见搭配
    • Burn out(熄灭)
    • Burn down(烧毁)
    • Burn up(燃烧殆尽)
    • Second-degree burn(二度烧伤)
    • Burn victim(烧伤受害者)



1、[V-I] If there is a fire or a flame somewhere, you say that there is a fire or flame burning there. 燃烧

  1. 例:Fires were burning out of control in the centre of the city.火在市中心燃烧着,失去了控制。

  2. 例:There was a fire burning in the fireplace.壁炉里有火正燃着。

2、[V-I] If something is burning, it is on fire. 燃烧

  1. 例:When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.我到达时,其中的一辆车还在燃烧。

  2. 例:The building housed 1,500 refugees and it burned for hours.这栋楼住着1500个难民,它烧了好几个小时。

3、[N-UNCOUNT] burning 燃烧

  1. 例:When we arrived in our village there was a terrible smell of burning.我们到达村子的时候,那里有一股难闻的燃烧的味道。

4、[V-T] If you burn something, you destroy or damage it with fire. 烧毁

  1. 例:Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.抗议者们焚烧汽车,烧毁了一栋建筑。

  2. 例:Incineration plants should be built to burn household waste.应该建焚化厂来焚烧生活垃圾。

5、[N-UNCOUNT] burning 烧毁

  1. 例:The French government has criticized the burning of a U.S. flag outside the American embassy.法国政府谴责了在美国大使馆外焚毁美国国旗的行为。

6、[V-T/V-I] If you burn a fuel or if it burns, it is used to produce heat, light, or energy. 烧; 燃烧

  1. 例:The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.这些电厂烧产自鲁尔地区的煤。

7、[V-T/V-I] If you burn something that you are cooking or if it burns, you spoil it by using too much heat or cooking it for too long. 烧煳

  1. 例:I burned the toast.我烤煳了面包片。

8、[ADJ] burnt 烧煳的

  1. 例:...the smell of burnt toast.…面包片烤煳的气味。

9、[V-T] If you burn part of your body, burn yourself, or are burned or burnt, you are injured by fire or by something very hot. 烧伤

  1. 例:Take care not to burn your fingers.小心别烧着你的手指。

10、[N-COUNT] Burn is also a noun. 烧伤

  1. 例:She suffered appalling burns to her back.她背部受了严重烧伤。

11、[[usu passive]] If someone is burned or burned to death, they are killed by fire. 烧死

  1. 例:Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.在中世纪女人被当作巫婆烧死。

12、[[文学性]] If a light is burning, it is shining. 发光

  1. 例:The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.除了三楼的一扇窗户透出一丝光亮,整栋楼一片漆黑。

13、[V-T/V-I] If you burn or get burned in the sun, the sun makes your skin become red and sore. 晒伤

  1. 例:Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.将你的皮肤慢慢晒黑,不要让皮肤晒伤。

14、[V-T/V-I] If a part of your body burns or if something burns it, it has a painful hot or stinging feeling. 灼痛

  1. 例:My eyes burn from staring at the needle.因为盯着针看,我的眼睛灼痛。

  2. 例:His face was burning with cold.他的脸冻得灼痛。

15、[[计算机]] To burn a CD means to write or copy data onto it. 刻录

  1. 例:You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favourite tunes.你可以用这个软件刻制你最喜欢曲子的自选曲集。