
时间: 2025-03-12 09:20:35





1. adj. 盲目的;瞎的

2. adv. 盲目地;看不见地

3. n. 掩饰,借口;百叶窗

4. vt. 使失明;使失去理智

5. n. (Blind)人名;(法)布兰;(德、瑞典)布林德


CET4   TEM4    ( blinding, blinded, blinds )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Blind的字面含义是没有视觉能力,无法看见。它也可以引申为缺乏洞察力或理解力。
  • 词性:形容词、动词、名词。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Blind源自古英语“blinda”,与德语的“blind”和荷兰语的“blind”相关,均表示“看不见”的意思。没有前缀,后缀为形容词后缀。

  • 历史背景:该词在英语中有着悠久的历史,早在公元900年左右就有记录。

  • 课本:在*的英语教材中,通常在初中和高中阶段出现。美国教材中常见于初中阶段的词汇学

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在医疗、法律等场合,常用来指代视觉障碍。
    • 非正式:日常对话中,可能用来形容某人对某事缺乏理解或注意力,例如“他对这件事很盲目”。
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文本中可能出现,指代因视觉缺陷而造成的合法权益问题。
    • 科学:在心理学研究中,可能用来描述盲区或盲目行为。

4. 示例句子:

  1. He is blind from birth.

    • 他天生失明。
  2. Don't be blind to the facts.

    • 不要对事实视而不见。
  3. The blind man used a cane to navigate the street.

    • 盲人用手杖在街上走动。
  4. She was blind to the dangers of the situation.

    • 她没有意识到这个情况的危险性。
  5. The project was a blind attempt without any prior research.

    • 这个项目是一次没有任何前期研究的盲目尝试。

*. Blind trust can lead to dangerous situations.

  • 盲目的信任可能导致危险情况。
  1. He was blinded by his ambition.

    • 他被自己的野心蒙蔽了双眼。
  2. The study showed that blind individuals can have heightened other senses.

    • 研究表明,盲人可能具有更强的其他感官。

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Sightless:强调完全没有视力。
    • Unseeing:强调缺乏视觉感知。
    • Ignorant:在某些上下文中偏向于缺乏知识或了解。
  • 反义词

    • Sighted:指具有视觉能力的人。
    • Aware:指对事物有认知或理解的人。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法:/blaɪnd/。可以通过发音练*,感受声音的特征。
  • 词根记忆法:分析“blind”与视觉相关的其他词汇,如“blinded”(被蒙蔽的)等。
  • 谐音联想记忆:可以联想到“blind”类似“拜伦”的发音,想象拜伦在黑暗中写诗,帮助记忆。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Blindfold(蒙住眼睛)
  • Blindness(失明)
  • Blind spot(盲区)
  • Blind alley(死胡同)
  • Blind date(相亲)



1、[ADJ] Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. 失明的

  1. 例:I started helping him run the business when he went blind.他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。

2、[N-PLURAL] The blind are people who are blind. 盲人

  1. 例:He was a teacher of the blind.他过去是位教盲人的老师。

3、[N-UNCOUNT] blindness 失明

  1. 例:Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.早期诊断和治疗通常可以防止失明。

4、[V-T] If something blinds you, it makes you unable to see, either for a short time or permanently. 使看不见; 使失明

  1. 例:The sun hit the windshield, momentarily blinding him.阳光射在挡风玻璃上,使他一时看不见。

5、[[v-link ADJ, usu ADJ 'with' n]] If you are blind with something such as tears or a bright light, you are unable to see for a short time because of the tears or light. 因 (眼泪或强光) 而暂时看不见的

  1. 例:Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.她妈妈摸索着椅背,她的眼睛被眼泪遮住了视线。

6、[ADV] blindly 暂时看不见地

  1. 例:Lettie groped blindly for the glass.莱蒂瞎子似地摸索着找杯子。

7、[[表不满]] If you say that someone is blind to a fact or a situation, you mean that they ignore it or are unaware of it, although you think that they should take notice of it or be aware of it. 视而不见的; 没有觉察到的

  1. 例:David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.大卫俊朗的外表和完美的风度总是令她对他的缺点视而不见。

8、[N-UNCOUNT] blindness 忽视

  1. 例:...blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed.…政府政策中对失业人员的存在这一事实的忽视。

9、[V-T] If something blinds you to the real situation, it prevents you from realizing that it exists or from understanding it properly. 使觉察不到; 使理解不当

  1. 例:He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults.他从来不因自己对澳大利亚的热爱而无视同胞的过错。

10、[[表不满]] You can describe someone's beliefs or actions as blind when you think that they seem to take no notice of important facts or behave in an unreasonable way. 盲目的

  1. 例:...her blind faith in the wisdom of the church.…她对教会箴言的盲目信仰。

11、[N-COUNT] A blind is a roll of cloth or paper which you can pull down over a window as a covering. 窗帘; 百叶窗帘

  1. 例:Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in.她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。

12、[[表不满]] If you say that someone is turning a blind eye to something bad or illegal that is happening, you mean that you think they are pretending not to notice that it is happening so that they will not have to do anything about it. 视而不见

  1. 例:Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today.今天的一篇报道称,教师对学生在校抽烟视而不见。

blind 韩剧


blind for love

blind date



