时间: 2025-03-12 06:59:06
1. n. 郊区;边缘
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Suburb字面意思是“郊区”,指的是城市周围的地区,通常是住宅区,远离城市中心的繁忙和喧嚣。
- 词性:名词(noun)
2. 词源与起源:
- 在**的中学英语教材中,通常在初中或高中的阶段引入此词,特别是在描述城市生活或地理知识时。
- 在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在中学阶段的社会科学或地理课程中出现。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在城市规划、房地产、社会学研究中使用。例如:“The suburb has seen significant growth in recent years due to its proximity to the city center.”
- 非正式:在日常对话中使用,通常描述居住环境。例如:“I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, where everything felt more peaceful.”
- 法律:在法律文书中,可能涉及土地使用或城市发展政策。例如:“The new zoning laws will affect various suburbs in the region.”
- 科学:在环境科学中,可能会讨论郊区对生态的影响。
4. 示例句子:
The suburb is known for its excellent schools and family-friendly atmosphere.
- 这个郊区以其优质的学校和家庭友好的氛围而闻名。
Many people choose to live in the suburbs to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
- 许多人选择住在郊区以逃避城市生活的喧嚣与忙碌。
The suburb has a variety of parks and recreational facilities for residents.
- 这个郊区为居民提供多种公园和娱乐设施。
Commuting from the suburb to the city can take over an hour during rush hour.
- 在高峰时段,从郊区通勤到城市可能需要一个多小时。
There are many shopping centers and restaurants in the suburb, making it a convenient place to live.
- 这个郊区有许多购物中心和餐馆,使其成为一个便利的居住地。
*. The suburb was once a farmland but has transformed into a bustling residential area.
- 这个郊区曾经是农田,但已转变为一个繁忙的住宅区。
Families often prefer suburbs for their spacious homes and quieter neighborhoods.
- 家庭通常更喜欢郊区,因为那里有宽敞的房子和安静的社区。
The suburb's community events foster a strong sense of belonging among residents.
- 郊区的社区活动在居民中培养了强烈的归属感。
In recent years, many artists have moved to the suburbs in search of more affordable living spaces.
- 近年来,许多艺术家搬到了郊区,寻求更实惠的居住空间。
The suburb is home to several cultural festivals that celebrate diversity.
- 这个郊区举办几项文化节庆,庆祝多样性。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Outskirts:通常指城市的边缘地区,强调距离城市中心的远离感。
- Exurb:指位于城市边缘,通常比郊区更远的居住区,常常是更高端的社区。
- City center:指城市的中心区域,通常是商业和文化活动的核心地带。
- Downtown:通常指城市的商业区,人口密集且交通繁忙的地方。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:/ˈsʌbɜːrb/。可以通过重复音节来记忆发音,例如“sub” + “urb”。
- 词根记忆法:记住“sub-”(下面)和“urb”(城市),联想城市周围的地方。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“沙巴”(Suburb)和“沙发”(Sofa),想象在沙发上休息的安静郊区。
7. 关联词汇:
- Residential:住宅的
- Community:社区
- Neighborhood:邻里
- Commuter:通勤者
- Urban:城市的
- Development:发展
1、[N-COUNT] A suburb of a city or large town is a smaller area which is part of the city or large town but is outside its centre. 市郊
例:Anna was born in 1923 in a suburb of Philadelphia.安娜1923年出生在费城市郊。
2、[N-PLURAL] If you live in the suburbs, you live in an area of houses outside the centre of a city or large town. 郊区
例:His family lived in the suburbs.他家住在郊区。