时间: 2025-03-13 00:19:34
1. n. 庇护;避难所;遮盖物
2. vt. 保护;使掩蔽
3. vi. 躲避,避难
4. n. (Shelter)人名;(英)谢尔特
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Shelter是指提供保护或庇护的地方,通常是为了避开风雨、危险或其他不利条件。
- 词性:名词(noun)和动词(verb)。
2. 词源与起源:
3. 使用场景:
- 正式语境:在法律或政策讨论中,"shelter"常被用来讨论避难所、庇护政策等。例如:“The government has established shelters for the homeless.”(政府为无家可归者建立了庇护所。)
- 非正式语境:在日常交流中,"shelter"可以用来描述任何提供保护的地方。例如:“Let’s find shelter from the rain.”(我们去找个避雨的地方吧。)
4. 示例句子:
The homeless shelter provides food and warmth to those in need.
- 无家可归者庇护所为需要帮助的人提供食物和温暖。
During the storm, we sought shelter in a nearby building.
- 暴风雨期间,我们在附近的建筑物里找到了庇护。
The animal shelter is looking for volunteers to help care for the pets.
- 动物庇护所正在寻找志愿者来照顾宠物。
The refugee shelter offers a safe place for those fleeing conflict.
- 难民庇护所为逃离冲突的人提供安全的地方。
She found a shelter from the harsh sun under a large tree.
- 她在一棵大树下找到了遮挡刺眼阳光的庇护。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Refuge:通常指提供安全的地方,强调避难的特性。
- Haven:侧重于安全和舒适的环境,常用于文学中。
- Exposure:意味着暴露或缺乏保护,与“shelter”形成对比。
- Danger:指潜在的威胁或风险,强调无庇护的状态。
. 学方法:
- 词根记忆法:可以将“shelter”拆分为“shel-”和“-ter”,记住“遮蔽的地方”这个概念。通过想象一个安全的地方来增强记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- 常用搭配:
- Emergency shelter(紧急庇护所)
- Animal shelter(动物庇护所)
- Homeless shelter(无家可归者庇护所)
- Take shelter(寻求庇护)
- Provide shelter(提供庇护)
1、[N-COUNT] A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger. 躲避处
例:The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.这座城市的防空掩体正在准备中,以防可能发生的空袭。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] If a place provides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live, especially when you need protection from bad weather or danger. 遮蔽; 庇护
例:The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent.寻求避难的家庭数目上升了17%。
例:Although horses do not generally mind the cold, shelter from rain and wind is important.尽管马通常不怕冷,但对风雨的遮挡还是很重要的。
3、[N-COUNT] A shelter is a building where homeless people can sleep and get food. 收容所
例:...a shelter for homeless women.…一个收留无家可归妇女的收容所。
4、[V-I] If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from bad weather or danger. 躲避
例:...a man sheltering in a doorway.…躲避在门廊里的一名男子。
5、[[usu passive]] If a place or thing is sheltered by something, it is protected by that thing from wind and rain. 遮蔽
例:...a wooden house, sheltered by a low pointed roof.…一座由低矮的尖屋顶遮蔽的木房子。
6、[V-T] If you shelter someone, usually someone who is being hunted by police or other people, you provide them with a place to stay or live. 窝藏; 庇护
例:A neighbour sheltered the boy for seven days.一个邻居将这个男孩藏了7天。