
时间: 2025-03-13 11:46:45





1. n. 框架;结构;[电影] 画面

2. vt. 设计;建造;陷害;使…适合

3. vi. 有成功希望

4. adj. 有木架的;有构架的

5. n. (Frame)人名;(英)弗雷姆


CET4   TEM4    ( framing, framed, frames )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思:在英语中,"frame"的字面意思通常指一个结构或框架,可以用来支撑或限制某物的形状。
    • 词性:名词和动词。
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析: "frame"源自古英语"framian",意味着“使有用、帮助”,与古德语的“framen”相关,表示“建立、构建”。其词根为“fram”,表示前或前进。

    • 历史背景:该词在中世纪的建筑和艺术中首次出现,常用于描述画框和建筑框架。

    • 课本:在*的英语教材中,"frame"可能出现在初中或高中英语课本中,尤其是在涉及描述物体、结构或艺术作品的部分。在美英教材中,通常也在相似的语言学阶段出现。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境
      • 正式语境:在学术论文或商务会议中,"frame"通常指的是一个概念框架,如“理论框架”(theoretical framework)。
      • 非正式语境:在日常交流中,可以指一个相框或结构,比如“我给照片装了一个框”(I framed the picture)。
    • 特殊场合:在法律领域,"frame"可以指构造某种法律框架或策略;在艺术领域,"frame"也常用于描述作品的边界或展示方式。
  4. 示例句子

    • I need to frame this picture before hanging it on the wall.
    • The frame of the building is made of steel.
    • She has a unique way to frame her arguments in the debate.
    • The artist chose a simple wooden frame for her painting.
    • In the context of social media, it’s important to frame your message effectively.
    • The frame of reference greatly influences our perceptions.
    • He was accused of trying to frame someone for a crime they didn’t commit.
    • The frame of the argument was based on faulty assumptions.
    • We need to frame the project within a budget.
    • The frame around the door was damaged in the storm.
    • There is a need to frame policies that address climate change.
  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词
      • Structure:更强调物理结构的概念。
      • Framework:通常用于描述理论或概念上的框架,如“理论框架”(theoretical framework)。
    • 反义词
      • Disorder:表示无序或混乱状态。
      • Dismantle:指拆除或分解结构。

*. *方法**:

  • 词根记忆法:记住“fram”的含义(前进、建立),可以帮助理解“frame”作为一个结构或框架的概念。
  • 音标记忆法:使用音标/freɪm/来帮助记忆,通过发音与其含义建立联系。
  1. 关联词汇
    • picture (图片), structure (结构), design (设计), context (背景), argument (论点), policy (政策), reference (参考)



1、[N-COUNT] The frame of a picture or mirror is the wood, metal, or plastic that is fitted around it, especially when it is displayed or hung on a wall. 框架

  1. 例:Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.埃丝特尔把她母亲的一张照片放在厨房壁炉架上的银质相框里。

2、[N-COUNT] The frame of an object such as a building, chair, or window is the arrangement of wooden, metal, or plastic bars between which other material is fitted, and which give the object its strength and shape. 构架

  1. 例:He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.他为建房者提供了现代化的木制构架。

  2. 例:With difficulty he released the mattress from the metal frame, and groped beneath it.他费了很大劲把床垫从金属架上卸下来,然后在下面摸索一番。

3、[N-COUNT] The frames of a pair of glasses are all the metal or plastic parts of it, but not the lenses. 眼镜框

  1. 例:He was wearing new glasses with gold wire frames.他戴着一副新的金丝框眼镜。

4、[N-COUNT] A frame of movie film is one of the many separate photographs that it consists of. 画面

  1. 例:Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second.标准的8毫米电影每秒放映16帧画面。

5、[[usu passive]] When a picture or photograph is framed, it is put in a frame. 给 (图画或照片) 配框

  1. 例:The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed.这幅画现在可以装裱、配框了。

6、[[usu passive]] If an object is framed by a particular thing, it is surrounded by that thing in a way that makes the object more striking or attractive to look at. 环绕

  1. 例:The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.游泳池四周环绕着热带花园。

7、[[非正式]] If someone frames an innocent person, they make other people think that that person is guilty of a crime, by lying or inventing evidence. 诬陷

  1. 例:I need to find out who tried to frame me.我需要查出谁试图诬陷我。

8、[N-COUNT] You can refer to someone's body as their frame, especially when you are describing the general shape of their body. 身躯

  1. 例:Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.他们的腰带紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的躯体。