
时间: 2025-03-11 21:40:38





1. n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;马嚼子;辅币;老一套;一点,一块

2. vt. 控制

3. adj. 很小的;微不足道的

4. adv. 有点儿;相当

5. vt. 咬(bite的过去式和过去分词)


CET4   TEM4    ( bits )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思

    • “bit”通常指一个小的部分或碎片。在计算机科学中,它表示二进制数中的基本单位(0或1)。
  • 词性

    • 名词(noun)、动词(verb)

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析

    • “bit”源自古英语“bitta”,意为“小块”或“片段”。它与现代词“bite”(咬)有相同的词根,表示“咬”的动作。
  • 历史背景

    • “bit”首次记录的使用可以追溯到14世纪,最初用于描述小块或小部分。它在计算机科学中的使用始于20世纪,特别是在数字电子和计算机领域。
  • 课本

    • 在**的英语教材中,初中和高中阶段可能会出现“bit”这个词,尤其是在描述数量或程度时。
    • 在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在计算机科学和数学相关课程中涉及。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,“bit”常用来描述数据或信息的单位,如“1 bit of data”。
    • 在非正式语境中,可以用“bit”来表示小量,如“Can I have a bit of sugar?”(我可以要一点糖吗?)
  • 特殊场合

    • 在计算机科学中,“bit”是数据存储和处理的基本单位。
    • 在法律文书中,可能会使用“bit”来指代某种小的、具体的细节。

4. 示例句子:

  1. I need just a bit of time to finish this project.

    • 我只需要一点时间来完成这个项目。
  2. A bit is the smallest unit of data in computing.

    • 在计算中,bit是数据的最小单位。
  3. Could you give me a bit more information about the event?

    • 你能给我多一点关于这个活动的信息吗?
  4. He was a bit surprised by the unexpected news.

    • 他对这个意外的消息有点惊讶。
  5. I only ate a bit of cake, not the whole piece.

    • 我只吃了一小块蛋糕,不是整块。

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Piece:更广泛的含义,指任何小块或部分。
    • Fragment:通常指破碎的部分,强调不完整性。
  • 反义词

    • Whole:表示整体或完整的状态,与“bit”形成对比。
    • Lot:指大量或许多,强调数量的多,与“bit”的少相对。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法
    • 学*“bit”的音标为/bɪt/,可以通过重复发音来加深记忆。同时可以联想到“bit”与“bitten”(咬)的联系。

7. 关联词汇:

  • 常用词汇
    • A bit(一点)
    • Bit by bit(逐渐)
    • Just a bit(仅仅一点)
    • Bit rate(比特率,计算机网络中使用的术语)
    • Bitwise(位运算,计算机编程中的术语)



1、[[QUANT 'of' n-uncount]] A bitof something is a small amount of it. 一点儿

  1. 例:All it required was a bit of work.它所需要的只是少量工作。

2、[[含糊]] A bit means to a small extent or degree. It is sometimes used to make a statement less extreme. 有点儿

  1. 例:This girl was a bit strange.这个女孩有点儿古怪。

  2. 例:I think people feel a bit more confident.我认为人们感觉更自信一点儿了。

3、[[含糊]] You can use a bit of to make a statement less forceful. For example, the statement "It's a bit of a nuisance" is less forceful than "It's a nuisance." 有点儿 (用于使陈述不那么强烈)

  1. 例:It's all a bit of a mess.它整个有点儿乱。

  2. 例:Students have always been portrayed as a bit of a joke.学生们总是被描述得有些荒唐可笑。

4、[PHRASE] Quite a bit means quite a lot. 相当多

  1. 例:They're worth quite a bit of money.它们值很多钱。

  2. 例:Things have changed quite a bit.情况大有改观。

5、[PHRASE] You use a bit before "more" or "less" to mean a small amount more or a small amount less. (多或少) 一点儿

  1. 例:I still think I have a bit more to offer.我仍然认为我可以多提供一点儿。

  2. 例:Maybe we'll hear a little bit less noise.也许我们听见的噪音会少一点。

6、[PHRASE] If you do something a bit or do something for a bit, you do it for a short time. 一会儿

  1. 例:Let's wait a bit.我们稍等片刻。

  2. 例:I hope there will be time to talk a bit—or at least ask you about one or two things this evening.我希望今晚能有时间和你谈一会儿,—或者至少能问你一两件事儿。

7、[N-COUNT] A bit of something is a small part or section of it. 小部分

  1. 例:Only a bit of the barley remained.只有一小部分大麦保留了下来。

  2. 例:Now comes the really important bit.现在到了非常重要的一小部分。

8、[N-COUNT] A bit of something is a small piece of it. 小块儿

  1. 例:Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.仅凭一小段绕在门框钉子上的绳子将门关住。

9、[N-COUNT] You can use bit to refer to a particular item or to one of a group or set of things. For example, a bit of information is an item of information. (一组东西中的) 一个

  1. 例:There was one bit of vital evidence which helped win the case.有一项至关重要的证据帮助赢了这场官司。

10、[[非正式,老式]] A bit is 12 1/2 cents; mainly used in expressions such as two bits, which means 25 cents, or four bits, which means 50 cents. 12.5美分

  1. 例:They weren't worth four bits.它们不值50美分了。

11、[PHRASE] If something happens bit by bit, it happens in stages. 逐渐地

  1. 例:Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.渐渐地,我开始明白了他们正在努力做什么。

12、[[强调]] You say that one thing is every bit as good, interesting, or important as another to emphasize that the first thing is just as good, interesting, or important as the second. 同样

  1. 例:My dinner jacket is every bit as good as his.我的小礼服和他的一样好。

13、[[非正式]] If you say that something is a bit much, you are annoyed because you think someone has behaved in an unreasonable way. 太过分

  1. 例:Her stage outfit of hot trousers, over-the-knee boots and a tube top was a bit much.她在舞台上的装扮是热裤、过膝长靴加紧身抹胸,太过分了。

14、[[强调]] You use not a bit when you want to make a strong negative statement. 一点也不

  1. 例:I'm really not a bit surprised.我确实毫不吃惊。

15、[[非正式]] You can use bits and pieces to refer to a collection of different things. 零碎的东西

  1. 例:The drawers are full of bits and pieces of armour.抽屉里满是零零碎碎的盔甲片。