
时间: 2025-03-13 11:47:45





1. adj. 独自的;单独的;孤独的

2. adv. 独自地;单独地


CET4   TEM4   



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思:字面上,“alone”指的是一个人或事物单独存在,没有其他人或事物的陪伴。清晰的定义是:未与他人同在的状态,孤立的。
  • 词性:形容词(adjective)。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析:该词源于古英语“aleon”,由前缀“a-”(表示“在”或“处于”)和名词“lone”(单独的,孤独的)组合而成。其根源可以追溯到古德语的“lone”,意为“孤独”。
  • 历史背景:第一批文献中,该词在14世纪出现,常用于描述一个人独处的状态,与现代用法相似。
  • 课本:该词常出现在小学至高中英语教材中,包括牛津英语系列和美国国家英语标准教材,适合初学者到中级学*者。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在学术论文或正式演讲中,常用“alone”来强调独立性或孤立性。例如:“The research indicates that individuals may thrive when they are alone.”(研究表明,个体在孤独时可能会茁壮成长。)
    • 非正式语境:在日常交流中,常通过短语表达情感,如“I'm feeling a bit alone today.”(我今天感觉有点孤独。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 在心理学领域,“alone”常用于讨论孤独感或独处对心理健康的影响。例如:“Experiencing prolonged periods of being alone can lead to depression.”(长期独处可能导致抑郁。)

4. 示例句子

  1. She prefers to study alone in her room.

  2. He felt alone in a crowd of people.

  3. The artist often worked alone, finding inspiration in solitude.

  4. They decided to travel alone to discover themselves.

  5. Being alone doesn’t always mean being lonely.

*. She wrote her novel alone in a cabin in the woods.

  1. The lone wolf symbolizes independence and self-reliance.

  2. He enjoyed his alone time after a hectic week at work.

  3. The student felt alone after moving to a new city.

  4. Alone, she reflected on her life choices.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词

    • solitary:强调单独的状态,通常带有孤独的情感色彩。
    • single:通常指数量上的单一,而不一定强调孤独的情感。
  • 反义词

    • together:表示与他人或事物一起,强调陪伴。
    • accompanied:意味着有他人在旁,通常用于描述活动或状态。

. 学方法


  • “alone” 的音标是 /əˈloʊn/。可以通过将“a”和“lone”分开来记忆,想象一个人(a)在孤独(lone)中,帮助记忆其含义。

7. 关联词汇

  • alone 与以下词汇高频搭配使用:
    • time(时间)
    • place(地方)
    • feeling(感觉)
    • decision(决定)
    • moment(时刻)



1、[[v-link ADJ]] When you are alone, you are not with any other people. 独自的

  1. 例:There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.没有比独自一人处于战斗环境中更可怕的事了。

2、[[ADV after v]] Alone is also an adverb. 独自地

  1. 例:She has lived alone in this house for almost five years now.她现在已经独自在这所房子里住了差不多五年了。

3、[[v-link ADJ]] If one person is alone with another person, or if two or more people are alone, they are together, without anyone else present. 独处的

  1. 例:I couldn't imagine why he would want to be alone with me.我想像不出他为什么想要和我独处。

4、[[v-link ADJ]] If you say that you are alone or feel alone, you mean that nobody who is with you, or nobody at all, cares about you. 孤独的

  1. 例:Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned.她一辈子从没有感到过如此孤独、如此被抛弃。

5、[[v-link ADJ]] If someone is alone in doing something, they are the only person doing it, and so are different from other people. 惟一的

  1. 例:Am I alone in recognizing that these two statistics have quite different implications?惟独我看出这两个统计有完全不同含意吗?

6、[ADV] Alone is also an adverb. 惟一地

  1. 例:I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.我以为在这个狂人的世界中我是惟一清醒的。

7、[[强调]] You say that one person or thing alone does something when you are emphasizing that only one person or thing is involved. 只有

  1. 例:You alone should determine what is right for you.只有你应该决定什么对你是合适的。

8、[[强调]] If you say that one person or thing alone is responsible for part of an amount, you are emphasizing the size of that part and the size of the total amount. 单单

  1. 例:CNN alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators.仅有线电视新闻网就派了300名技师、导演和实况播音员。

9、[[ADV after v]] When someone does something alone, they do it without help from other people. 独力地

  1. 例:Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement.独力一人养大一个孩子会给你一种成就感。

10、[[非正式]] If you go it alone, you do something without any help from other people. 单干

  1. 例:I missed the stimulation of working with others when I tried to go it alone.当我试着自己单干时,我想念和别人一起工作的那种刺激。