
时间: 2025-03-12 02:21:56





1. v. 欺骗;行骗


CET4   TEM4    ( deceiving, deceived, deceives )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思:该单词的字面含义为“使某人相信不真实的事情”,即通过误导或欺骗来影响他人的信念或行为。
    • 词性:动词(verb)。
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析:该单词源自拉丁语“decipere”,“de-”表示“从...下去”,“capere”表示“抓住”。整体意思可理解为“从某人手中抓走真相”。

    • 历史背景:该单词在英语中的首次使用可以追溯到13世纪,常出现在文学和**文本中,用于描述欺骗行为。

    • 课本:在*的英语教材中,可能出现在初中及高中阶段的阅读理解中;在牛津和美国的教材中,通常出现在高中阶段的词汇练和阅读材料中。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境:在正式语境下,常用于法律文书、商业合同中,例如:“The company was accused of trying to deceive its customers.”(该公司被指控试图欺骗其客户)。在非正式语境中,常用于日常交流,如朋友之间的对话:“I can't believe he deceived me!”(我真不敢相信他欺骗了我!)。
    • 特殊场合:在法律领域,deceive常与“fraud”(欺诈)一起使用,指控某人“deceive”他人以获取不当利益。例如:“He was convicted of deceiving investors.”(他因欺骗投资者而被定罪)。
  4. 示例句子

    1. She felt betrayed when she realized he had deceived her.

    2. The magician's tricks deceived the audience into believing they had seen real magic.

    3. It's wrong to deceive people for personal gain.

    4. He deceived his friends by pretending to be someone he wasn't.

    5. The advertisement was found to deceive customers about the product's effectiveness.

  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词

      • mislead:强调引导他人走向错误的方向。
      • dupe:通常指通过简单或愚蠢的方式欺骗他人。
      • trick:强调以巧妙的方式使人上当。
    • 反义词

      • honor:表示诚实和道德的行为。
      • reveal:指揭示真相,与欺骗相反。
      • inform:强调提供真实的信息。

*. *方法**:

  • 词根记忆法:理解词根“capere”是“抓住”的意思,可以联想为“抓住真实”与“被欺骗”的对比,从而帮助记忆“deceive”的含义。
  1. 关联词汇
    • deception(欺骗),deceptive(欺骗性的),deceit(欺诈),misleading(误导的)。



1、[V-T] If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true, usually in order to get some advantage for yourself. 欺骗

  1. 例:He has deceived and disillusioned us all.他欺骗了我们所有人, 令我们所有人失望至极。

2、[V-T] If something deceives you, it gives you a wrong impression and makes you believe something that is not true. 误导

  1. 例:Do not be deceived by claims on food labels like "light" or "low fat."不要被食品标签上像“少脂”或“低脂”的字样误导。