时间: 2025-03-12 12:22:31
1. vt. 俘获;夺得;捕捉,拍摄,录制
2. n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Capture 的字面含义是“抓住、捕获”,可以指捕捉某物或某人的行为,也可以指获取信息或数据。
- 词性:动词 (verb);名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:Capture 源自拉丁语 "captura",意为“抓住、捕获”,由词根 "capere"(抓住、捕捉)派生而来。其前缀 "cap-" 与捕捉相关,后缀 "-ture" 表示动作或过程。
历史背景:Capture 首次使用的历史可追溯到中世纪,尤其在军事和狩猎的上下文中,指的是对敌人或猎物的捕获。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在法律文书中,"The evidence was captured during the investigation."(证据在调查中被捕获。)
- 非正式:日常交流中,"I managed to capture a great photo of the sunset!"(我拍到了美丽的日落!)
- 法律:在法律文书中,捕获的证据是关键,如 "The capture of the suspect was vital to the case."(抓捕嫌疑人对案件至关重要。)
- 科学:在科学研究中,"We used a drone to capture data from the atmosphere."(我们用无人机捕获大气数据。)
4. 示例句子:
The photographer aimed to capture the essence of the city in her shots.
摄影师旨在用她的镜头捕捉城市的精髓。 -
He was captured by enemy forces during the war.
他在战争中被敌军抓获。 -
The documentary captures the struggles of wildlife in urban areas.
这部纪录片捕捉了城市地区野生动物的挣扎。 -
She captured the audience's attention with her powerful speech.
她用有力的演讲吸引了观众的注意。 -
The software can capture screenshots with ease.
*. They captured the moment perfectly in the painting.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Seize(抓住): 更强调迅速和强烈的行动。
- Take(拿取): 更一般化的表达,适用范围更广。
- Release(释放): 表示放开或不再控制。
- Lose(失去): 表示不再拥有或失去控制。
. 学方法:
选择 词根记忆法:
- 词根:capere(抓住)可以联想成“捕捉”或“抓住”的动作。
- 可以通过联想“capture”与“cap”(帽子)结合,想象帽子能够“抓住”头部,形成形象化记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- capture data(捕获数据)
- capture attention(引起注意)
- capture images(捕捉图像)
- capture a moment(捕捉瞬间)
- capture the imagination(激发想象力)
1、[V-T] If you capture someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war. 俘虏; 捕获
例:The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.那些游击队员击落了一架飞机,并俘虏了飞行员。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] Capture is also a noun. 占领
例:...the final battles which led to the army's capture of the town.…部队夺取该镇的最后几场战斗。
3、[[no cont]] If something or someone captures a particular quality, feeling, or atmosphere, they represent or express it successfully. 充分体现
例:Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔多拉厨师的菜单很有创意,充分体现了地中海风情。
4、[V-T] If something captures your attention or imagination, you begin to be interested or excited by it. If someone or something captures your heart, you begin to love them or like them very much. 吸引
例:...the great names of the past who usually capture the historian's attention.…那些常常为史学家所关注的伟人们。
5、[[usu passive]] If an event is captured in a photograph or on film, it is photographed or filmed. 拍摄
例:The incident was captured on videotape.这一事件被拍摄下来。
例:The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.这些镜头被正在基地外拍摄的电视台工作人员捕捉到了。