
时间: 2025-03-13 11:46:26





1. vt. 销售;推销;出卖;欺骗

2. vi. 卖;出售;受欢迎;有销路

3. n. 销售;失望;推销术

4. n. (Sell)人名;(德)泽尔;(英、芬、瑞典)塞尔


CET4   TEM4    ( selling, sold, sells )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Sell 的字面含义是“将某物转让给他人以换取金钱或其他补偿”。
  • 定义:动词,指通过交易将物品或服务提供给他人以获得金钱或其他价值。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Sell 源自古英语单词 "sellan",意思是“给予、出售”。其词根可追溯至日耳曼语族。

  • 历史背景:Sell 在英语中的首次使用可以追溯到公元前8世纪的古英语文献中,标志着商业交易的基本活动。

  • 课本:Sell 这个词在**的英语教材中通常出现在初中和高中阶段,特别是在与商务英语和日常交流相关的单元。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常出现在初级至中级的课程中。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式:在商务会议中,"We aim to sell 10,000 units by the end of the quarter."(我们计划在本季度结束前出售10,000个单位。)
    • 非正式:在日常对话中,"I want to sell my old bike."(我想出售我的旧自行车。)
  • 特殊场合

    • 法律:在法律文书中,"The parties agree to sell the property under the terms stated."(双方同意根据所述条款出售财产。)
    • 科学:在市场研究中,"We need to sell this product based on consumer demand."(我们需要根据消费者需求出售这个产品。)

4. 示例句子:

  1. I plan to sell my car next month.

  2. The company hopes to sell its new software globally.

  3. He was able to sell the idea to the board of directors.

  4. They decided to sell their house and move to a bigger one.

  5. The artist was struggling to sell her paintings.

*. Can you help me sell these tickets?

  1. She found it hard to sell her old clothes online.

  2. The store aims to sell products at a lower price than competitors.

  3. We need to sell the benefits of our new service.

  4. He managed to sell the last item before closing time.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Market:更强调市场交易的过程。
    • Trade:通常用于描述更大范围的交换或商业活动。
  • 反义词

    • Buy:指获取商品或服务而支付金钱,与卖出相对。
    • Retain:指保留某物,不进行出售。

. 学方法教学:

  • 音标记忆法:Sell的音标为 /sɛl/,可以通过发音练*将其与“销售”这一中文词汇联系起来,帮助记忆。

  • 谐音联想记忆:将“sell”与“塞尔”联系起来,想象在市场上“塞尔”这个名字的人在卖东西。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Sell out:售罄
  • Seller:卖家
  • Sales:销售额
  • Selling point:卖点
  • Sale:销售、特卖



1、[V-T/V-I] If you sell something that you own, you let someone have it in return for money. 卖

  1. 例:Catlin sold the paintings to Philadelphia industrialist Joseph Harrison.卡特林把这些画卖给了费城实业家约瑟夫·哈里森。

  2. 例:The directors sold the business for $14.8 million.董事们把这个公司以1480万美元卖掉了。

  3. 例:When is the best time to sell?什么时候才是出售的最佳时机呢?

2、[V-T] If a shop sells a particular thing, it is available for people to buy there. 出售; 经销

  1. 例:It sells everything from hair ribbons to oriental rugs.这里出售各种商品,从扎头发的发带到东方小地毯都有。

3、[V-I] If something sells for a particular price, that price is paid for it. 售价为…

  1. 例:Unmodernized property can sell for up to 40 percent of its modernized market value.未经现代化改造的房地产售价至多是其现代化改造后市价的40%。

4、[V-I] If something sells, it is bought by the public, usually in fairly large quantities. 有销路; 行销

  1. 例:Even if this album doesn't sell and the critics don't like it, we wouldn't ever change.即使这张专辑没有销路,并且也不讨评论家们喜欢,我们也决不会改变。

5、[V-T/V-I] Something that sells a product makes people want to buy the product. 促进…的销路

  1. 例:It is only the sensational that sells news magazines.只有轰动性的消息才能促进新闻杂志的销售。

  2. 例:...the maxim that safety doesn't sell.…安全并不意味着畅销的格言。

6、[V-T] If you sell someone an idea or proposal, or sell someone on an idea, you convince them that it is a good one. 推荐; 使接受

  1. 例:She tried to sell me the idea of buying my own paper shredder.她努力向我灌输买一台自己的碎纸机的想法。

  2. 例:She is hoping she can sell the idea to clients.她希望她能使客户接受这一想法。

7、[PHRASE] If someone sells their body, they have sex for money. 出卖肉体

  1. 例:85 percent said they would rather not sell their bodies for a living.85%的人说她们不会出卖肉体以谋生。

8、[[表不满]] If you talk about someone selling their soul in order to get something, you are criticizing them for abandoning their principles. 出卖灵魂

  1. 例:...a man who would sell his soul for political viability.…一个为了政治前途甘愿出卖灵魂的人。