
时间: 2025-03-06 16:10:23


:[wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd]

:[wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd]


1. n. 风;呼吸;气味;卷绕

2. vt. 缠绕;上发条;使弯曲;吹号角;绕住或缠住某人

3. vi. 缠绕;上发条;吹响号角

4. n. (Wind)人名;(英、德、瑞典)温德


CET4   TEM4    ( winding, winded, winds )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Wind 指的是空气的流动,通常是指大气中的气流。清晰的定义为:一种自然现象,指气体在大气中的**,通常由温差和气压差异造成。
  • 词性:名词(noun)和动词(verb)。

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Wind 来源于古英语“wind”,其根源可追溯到原始日耳曼语“windaz”,意指“空气的流动”。该词没有前缀和后缀,直接表述气流的概念。
  • 历史背景:该词的首次使用可以追溯到公元前5世纪的日耳曼部落,可能出现在古老的文学作品中,例如《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)中提到自然现象时使用了类似的词汇。
  • 课本:在**的英语教材中,通常在小学四年级到中学阶段出现,例如《新概念英语》。在牛津及美国的教材中,这个词一般在初学者的教材中出现,通常在四年级到六年级的阅读理解部分。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境
    • 正式:在气象学、环境科学和文学作品中,如“the wind is a significant factor in climate change(风是气候变化的重要因素)”。
    • 非正式:在日常交流中,如“It's a bit windy today(今天有点风)”。
  • 特殊场合:在法律文件中,可能用于描述与天气相关的条款,如“force majeure due to extreme wind conditions(由于极端风况导致的不可抗力)”。在科学领域,常用于描述风速和风向的测量。

4. 示例句子:

  1. The wind is howling outside.

  2. We need to consider the wind when planning the outdoor event.

  3. The wind carried the scent of flowers into the room.

  4. A strong wind can cause damage to buildings.

  5. She felt the wind in her hair as she rode the bike.

*. The wind turbine generates electricity from wind energy.

  1. In the autumn, the wind often brings cooler temperatures.

  2. The sailors adjusted their sails according to the wind.

  3. The wind whispered through the trees.

  4. A gentle wind rustled the leaves.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Breeze:指轻风,通常用于描述温和的气流。
    • Gust:指阵风,强调短暂且突发的强风。
    • Draft:通常指房间内的空气流动,强调局部的风。
  • 反义词

    • Calm:指没有风的状态,强调静止和安静。
    • Stillness:指完全没有**的状态,通常形容空气的静止。

. 学方法:

  • 音标记忆法:/wɪnd/,可以通过发音练*帮助记忆。
  • 词根记忆法:理解“wind”作为自然现象的根源,帮助联想与自然相关的词汇,如“windy”(多风的)。
  • 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“wind”与“蜿蜒(wān yán)”的声音,记住它们都与空气流动相关。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Wind speed:风速
  • Wind direction:风向
  • Wind turbine:风力涡轮机
  • Wind chill:风寒效应
  • Windstorm:强风暴



1、[N-VAR] A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth's surface. 风

  1. 例:There was a strong wind blowing.正刮着一阵大风。

2、[N-COUNT] Journalists often refer to a trend or factor that influences events as a wind of a particular kind. (影响事态发展的) 趋势; 因素

  1. 例:The winds of change are blowing across the country.转变之风正吹遍全国。

3、[V-T] If you are winded by something such as a blow, the air is suddenly knocked out of your lungs so that you have difficulty breathing for a short time. 呼吸困难

  1. 例:He was winded and shaken.他呼吸困难,身体发抖。

4、[PHRASE] If someone breaks wind, they release gas from their intestines through their anus. 放屁

  1. 例:If I break wind at dinner, should I say "Pardon," or pretend nothing has happened?如果我在用餐的时候放屁,我是应该说“对不起”,还是假装什么事情都没发生?

5、[[非正式]] If you get wind of something, you hear about it, especially when someone else did not want you to know about it. 听到…的消息 (尤指在别人不想让知道的情况下)

  1. 例:I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage.我不想让公众,尤其是新闻界,在这个阶段听到什么消息。

6、[V-T/V-I] If a road, river, or line of people winds in a particular direction, it goes in that direction with a lot of bends or twists in it. (路、河流或一行人) 蜿蜒而行

  1. 例:Quiet mountain roads wind through groves of bamboo and cedar.幽静的山路蜿蜒穿过竹林和雪松林。

  2. 例:...a narrow winding road.…一条狭窄蜿蜒的道路。

  3. 例:We wound our way southeast.我们向东南方向蜿蜒前行。

7、[V-T] When you wind something flexible around something else, you wrap it around it several times. 缠绕

  1. 例:The horse jumped forward and around her, winding the rope around her waist.那匹马向前一跳,然后围着她把绳子缠在她的腰际。

8、[V-T] When you wind a mechanical device, for example, a watch or a clock, you turn a knob, key, or handle on it several times in order to make it operate. 给 (钟表等) 上发条

  1. 例:I still hadn't wound my watch so I didn't know the time.我还没给手表上发条,所以我不知道时间。

9、[PHRASAL VERB] Wind up means the same as wind. 给 (钟表等) 上发条

  1. 例:I wound up the watch and listened to it tick.我给手表上好发条,听着它滴答作响。

10、[V-T] To wind a tape or film back or forward means to make it move toward its starting or ending position. 倒/快进 (磁带或胶卷)

  1. 例:The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed.便携式摄像机可以高速度倒带或快进。

11、[N] a single turn, bend, etc 拐弯

  1. 例:a wind in the river