
时间: 2025-03-12 11:48:18





1. adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难对付的

2. n. 偿付,清偿;看管人;小船

3. vt. 提供,偿还;使…变嫩;使…变柔软

4. vi. 投标;变柔软


CET4   TEM4    ( tenderer, tenderest )



1. 基本定义

  • 字面意思
    • 定义:Tender作为形容词通常指“柔软的”或“温和的”;作为动词则意指“提供”或“提出”,而作为名词则代表“投标”或“温柔的关怀”。
  • 词性
    • 形容词(adjective)、动词(verb)、名词(noun)。

2. 词源与起源

  • 词源分析
    • 来自古法语“tendre”,意为“柔软的”或“温柔的”,而古法语又源于拉丁语“tendere”,意为“伸展”或“拉紧”。
  • 历史背景
    • “tender”首次被记录使用于14世纪,通常用于描述肉类的质地或情感的表现。
  • 课本
    • 在*的中学英语教材中常见,适合初中和高中生学;在牛津和美国的教材中,这个词一般出现在中级到高级的课程中。

3. 使用场景

  • 正式与非正式语境
    • 在正式语境中,如商务文件或法律文本,tender常用作“投标”的意思,例如“提交投标”(submit a tender)。在非正式语境下,如家庭或朋友间的对话,常用来描述情感或状态,例如“她的微笑是如此温柔”(Her smile is so tender)。
    • 引证解释
    • 出自《简·爱》中的“她的声音是如此温柔”(Her voice was so tender)。
  • 特殊场合
    • 在法律领域,tender通常指“投标”或“投标文件”。例如:“他提交了一个竞争性投标”(He submitted a competitive tender)。

4. 示例句子

  1. The meat was so tender that it fell apart easily.

  2. She gave him a tender look that melted his heart.

  3. The company decided to tender for the new project.

  4. His tender touch reassured the frightened child.

  5. The tender for the construction contract was awarded to a local firm.

5. 同义词与反义词

  • 同义词
    • Soft, gentle, affectionate(温柔的,柔软的,亲切的)。这些词在情感表达上有细微差别,soft更侧重于物理特性,gentle则常用于描述行为或方式。
  • 反义词
    • Hard, harsh, severe(坚硬的,严厉的,强烈的)。这些词的使用通常与tender相对立,表示强烈或不柔和的性质。

. 学方法

  • 音标记忆法
    • 记住发音 /ˈtɛndər/,可以通过多次重复和造句来加深记忆。
  • 词根记忆法
    • 理解“tender”的词根“tend”,与“伸展”相关联,可以联想到情感的伸展与温柔。

7. 关联词汇

  • Tender care(温柔的关怀)
  • Tender age(幼年)
  • Tender moment(温柔的时刻)
  • Tender heart(温柔的心)
  • Tender offer(投标报价)



1、[ADJ] Someone or something that is tender expresses gentle and caring feelings. 温柔的

  1. 例:Her voice was tender, full of pity.她的声音很温柔,充满了怜悯。

2、[[ADV with v]] tenderly 温柔地

  1. 例:Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife.怀特先生温柔地拥抱了妻子。

3、[[ADJ n]] If you say that someone does something at a tender age, you mean that they do it when they are still young and have not had much experience. 幼小的

  1. 例:He took up the game at the tender age of seven.他在7岁的小小年纪就开始从事这项运动。

4、[ADJ] Meat or other food that is tender is easy to cut or chew. (肉等食物) 嫩的; 易嚼的

  1. 例:Cook for a minimum of 2 hours, or until the meat is tender.至少煮两个小时,或一直煮到肉软了为止。

5、[ADJ] If part of your body is tender, it is sensitive and painful when it is touched. (身体部位) 敏感的; 易触痛的

  1. 例:My tummy felt very tender.我的肚子一碰就痛。

6、[N-UNCOUNT] tenderness 触痛

  1. 例:There is still some tenderness in her ankle.她的脚踝还有些触痛。

7、[[商业]] A tender is a formal offer to supply goods or to do a particular job, and a statement of the price that you or your company will charge. If a contract is put out to tender, formal offers are invited. If a company wins a tender, their offer is accepted. 投标

  1. 例:Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.然后建筑商们将会接到设计说明并被邀请参与此项工程的投标。

8、[[商业]] If a company tenders for something, it makes a formal offer to supply goods or do a job for a particular price. 投标

  1. 例:The staff are forbidden to tender for private-sector work.员工们禁止投标私营部门的工程。

9、[V] to give, present, or offer 提出; 提供

  1. 例:to tender one's resignation

  2. 例:tender a bid



tender light香水







tender heart