时间: 2025-03-05 18:37:43
1. vt. 举起;提升;鼓舞;空运;抄袭
2. vi. 消散;升起;耸立
3. n. 电梯;举起;起重机;搭车
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:
"Lift" 的字面含义是“提升”或“抬起”。它可以指物体的垂直移动或使某物上升的动作。 - 词性:
"Lift" 可以是动词(例如:to lift a box)或名词(例如:a lift in a building, 英式英语中指电梯)。
2. 词源与起源:
"Lift" 源自古英语单词 "lyft",意为“悬空”或“升起”,与德语 "lueften" 和荷兰语 "lucht" 有共同的根源,均与空气和提升有关。 -
"Lift" 的首次使用可以追溯到中世纪时期,常用于描述物体的提升动作。具体的文学出处较难追溯,但在古老的英语文献中经常出现。 -
在**的教材中,"lift" 可能出现在小学英语和初中英语教材中,主要涉及基本的动作描述。在牛津和美国的教材中,"lift" 可能在小学阶段的词汇表中出现,尤其是在涉及日常活动的单元中。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式语境:在商务会议中,可能会使用"lift"来描述提升销售或提升团队士气等。例如:
"We need to lift our sales figures this quarter."(我们需要提升这个季度的销售数字。) - 非正式语境:在日常交流中,可能更口语化地使用,例如:
"Can you help me lift this heavy box?"(你能帮我抬这个重箱子吗?)
- 正式语境:在商务会议中,可能会使用"lift"来描述提升销售或提升团队士气等。例如:
在科学领域,"lift" 经常用于讨论物理学原理,如航空学中的升力(lift force),例如:
"The lift generated by the wings allows the plane to fly."(机翼产生的升力使飞机能够飞行。)
4. 示例句子:
"He lifted the heavy suitcase onto the train."
"他把重行李箱抬上了火车。" -
"The elevator will lift you to the top floor."
"电梯会把你送到顶层。" -
"We need to lift our spirits after the disappointing game."
"在失望的比赛后,我们需要振作精神。" -
"The engineer calculated the lift required for the aircraft."
"工程师计算了飞机所需的升力。" -
"She gave me a lift to the airport."
*. "The community efforts helped lift the neighborhood out of poverty."
"He felt a lift in his mood after talking to his friend."
"和朋友谈话后,他感觉心情有所好转。" -
"The new policy aims to lift the economy."
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Raise:通常指将某物提升到更高的位置,但更常用于具体的物体,而 "lift" 可以用于抽象的提升。
- Elevate:通常指提升某物到更高的状态或水平,常用于正式语境。
- Lower:指将某物降低到更低的位置,与 "lift" 的意义相反。
- Drop:表示突然放下或掉落,通常带有意外或无意的含义。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:
"Lift" 的音标是 /lɪft/。可以通过发音练*,重复这个音节来增强记忆。将"lift"与其他类似音节的单词(如 "gift", "shift")进行比较,帮助记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- 常见搭配:
- Lift someone's spirits(振奋某人的精神)
- Lift weights(举重)
- Lift off(起飞)
- Lift a finger(出手帮忙)
通过以上分析与例句,"lift" 这个词在多种语境下的应用得到了充分展示,帮助用户更好地理解和记忆这个单词。
1、[V-T] If you lift something, you move it to another position, especially upward. 举起; 拿起
例:The colonel lifted the phone and dialled his superior.上校拿起电话拨了他上司的号码。
2、[PHRASAL VERB] Lift up means the same as . 举起
例:She put her arms around him and lifted him up.她双臂拥住他,把他举起来。
3、[V-T] If you lift your eyes or your head, you look up, for example, when you have been reading and someone comes into the room. 抬起 (眼睛或头)
例:When he finished he lifted his eyes and looked out the window.他完成以后抬眼向窗外看去。
4、[V-T] If people in authority lift a law or rule that prevents people from doing something, they end it. 解除 (法令等)
例:The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.欧盟委员会已敦促法国解除对英国牛肉进口的禁令。
5、[V-T/V-I] If something lifts your spirits or your mood, or if they lift, you start feeling more cheerful. 鼓舞
例:He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits.他以不可思议的幽默感鼓舞了我的士气。
6、[N-COUNT] If you give someone a lift somewhere, you take them there in your car as a favour to them. 搭便车
例:He had a car and often gave me a lift home.他有一辆汽车,经常让我搭便车回家。
7、[N-UNCOUNT] Lift is the force that makes an aircraft leave the ground and stay in the air. 提升力
例:An aeroplane has to reach a certain speed before there is enough lift to get it off the ground.飞机得在达到一定的速度以后,才能有足够的提升力从地面起飞。
8、[V-T] If a government or organization lifts people or goods in or out of an area, it transports them there by aircraft, especially when there is a war. 空运
例:The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding.军队把爬到房顶躲避洪水的人们空运走。
9、[[英国英语]] A lift is a device that carries people or goods up and down inside tall buildings. 电梯
例:We took the lift to the fourteenth floor.我们乘电梯到了第14层。