
时间: 2025-03-06 16:30:07





1. vi. 飘动;鼓翼;烦扰

2. vt. 拍;使焦急;使飘动

3. n. 摆动;鼓翼;烦扰


TEM4    ( fluttering, fluttered, flutters )



1. 基本定义:

  • 字面意思:Flutter 字面意思是“轻快地振动或拍打”,通常指快速而轻微的**。
  • 词性:动词 (verb) / 名词 (noun)

2. 词源与起源:

  • 词源分析:Flutter 源自古英语单词“flēotan”,意为“漂浮”或“飞”。其词根“flut”暗示了轻快的**或波动。

  • 历史背景:Flutter 最早在 14 世纪的英文文献中出现,描绘轻快或不安的动作。它常用于描述鸟类的翅膀拍打声或纸张的轻微抖动。

  • 课本:Flutter 可能在小学英语教材中出现,尤其是在描述动物或自然现象时;在牛津大学出版社和美国的初中英语教材中,也可能会涉及这个词,通常与飞行或轻松的活动相关。

3. 使用场景:

  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 正式语境:在文学作品中,flutter 可以用来形容情感的波动,如“Her heart fluttered with excitement.”(她的心因兴奋而颤动。)
    • 非正式语境:在日常交流中,flutter 可以用来形容轻松的动作,如“Look at the butterflies fluttering around.”(看看那些蝴蝶在周围轻舞。)
  • 特殊场合:在科学领域,flutter 可以描述气体或液体的动态行为,如“the flutter of air particles” (空气粒子的振动);在法律领域,flutter 可能用作形容某种不稳定或不确定的状态。

4. 示例句子:

  1. The leaves fluttered in the breeze.

  2. Her heart fluttered when she saw him.

  3. The bird began to flutter its wings.

  4. The paper fluttered to the ground.

  5. He felt a flutter of nerves before the presentation.

*. The butterflies fluttered from flower to flower.

  1. The flags fluttered in the wind.

  2. She had a flutter of hope when she received the news.

  3. The little bird fluttered around the garden.

  4. His thoughts began to flutter chaotically.

5. 同义词与反义词:

  • 同义词

    • Flap:强调拍打的动作,通常用于描述鸟的翅膀。
    • Wave:可以指更大的、连贯的动作,不仅限于轻快的振动。
  • 反义词

    • Stabilize:指使某物不再动摇或波动,强调稳定性。
    • Calm:表示平静或安静,与 flutter 的不安状态相对。

. 学方法:


  • Flutter 的发音为 /ˈflʌtər/,可以分解为“flut”(轻快)和“ter”(动作),通过发音帮助记忆。

7. 关联词汇:

  • Breeze(微风)
  • Wings(翅膀)
  • Butterfly(蝴蝶)
  • Heart(心)
  • Excitement(兴奋)
  • Nerves(紧张)



1、[V-T/V-I] If something thin or light flutters, or if you flutter it, it moves up and down or from side to side with a lot of quick, light movements. 拍动; 飘动

  1. 例:Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze.她的薄绸裙在晚风中飘动。

  2. 例:...a butterfly fluttering its wings.…一只拍动着翅膀的蝴蝶。

2、[N-COUNT] Flutter is also a noun. 飘动; 拍动

  1. 例:...a flutter of white cloth.…白布的飘动。

3、[V-I] If something light such as a small bird or a piece of paper flutters somewhere, it moves through the air with small quick movements. 飘舞; 振翅

  1. 例:The paper fluttered to the floor.纸飘落到地板上。