时间: 2025-03-11 01:09:49
1. n. 学校;学院;学派;鱼群
2. vt. 教育
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:School 指的是一个提供教育的机构,通常是为儿童和青少年提供的基础教育场所。
- 清晰定义:A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers.
- 词性:名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源
- 词源分析:School 源于古希腊语“scholē”,意为“休闲”或“闲暇”,引申为“学*”或“学术活动”。该词通过拉丁语“schola”传入英语。
- 历史背景:该词在中世纪的欧洲被广泛使用,尤其是在大学和教会学校的背景下,强调学*和知识的传授。
- 课本:在*的教材中,"school"通常出现在小学及初中英语课本中。在牛津和美国的教材中,该词也出现在小学到高中阶段的英语学中。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在教育政策、学术论文和官方文件中使用,如“School enrollment has increased by 10% this year.”(今年入学人数增加了10%)。
- 非正式:在日常对话中使用,如“Are you going back to school next week?”(你下周要回学校吗?)。
- 在法律领域,可能出现“school district”(学区)的概念,指特定区域内的教育管理单位。
- 在科学领域,可能涉及“school of thought”(学派),表示一群学者对某一理论的共同观点。
4. 示例句子
The children are excited to go back to school after the summer break.
孩子们很高兴在暑假结束后回到学校。 -
This school offers a variety of extracurricular activities.
这所学校提供多种课外活动。 -
Many parents are concerned about the quality of education in their local schools.
许多家长对当地学校的教育质量感到担忧。 -
The school's curriculum includes both academic and vocational training.
学校的课程包括学术和职业培训。 -
She decided to attend a school for the arts to pursue her passion for painting.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Academy:通常指提供更专业或高级教育的机构。
- Institution:更广泛的概念,可以指任何教育或研究机构。
- Ignorance:无知,缺乏知识或教育的状态。
- Dropout:辍学生,指未完成学业的人。
. 学方法教学
可以通过音标 /skuːl/ 来记忆,想象一个“学校”的场景,结合音标发音进行联想,比如“在学校里学*”。
7. 关联词汇
- class(班级)
- teacher(老师)
- student(学生)
- education(教育)
- curriculum(课程)
通过这样的结构分析和学*,能够更全面地理解和掌握单词 "school" 的各种用法和背景。
1、[N-VAR] A school is a place where children are educated. You usually refer to this place as school when you are talking about the time that children spend there and the activities that they do there. 学校
例:...a boy who was in my class at school.…上学时我班上的一个男孩。
例:Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school.就连好学生也说家庭作业是他们最讨厌学校的一点。
例:...a school built in the Sixties.…一所建于六十年代的学校。
2、[N-COUNT-COLL] A school is the students or staff at a school. 全校师生
例:Deirdre, the whole school's going to hate you.迪尔德丽,全校师生都要恨你了。
3、[N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMES] A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred to as a school. 私立专科学校
例:...a riding school.…一所私立骑术学校。
4、[N-VAR/N-IN-NAMES] A university, college, or university department specializing in a particular type of subject can be referred to as a school. 学院; 系
例:...a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.…宾夕法尼亚大学兽医学系的一名讲师。
5、[[美国英语]] School is used to refer to college. 大学
例:Jack eventually graduated from school, got married, and got his first real job.杰克终于大学毕了业,结了婚,找到了第一份真正的工作。
6、[[usu with supp]] A particular school of writers, artists, or thinkers is a group of them whose work, opinions, or theories are similar. 学派; 流派
例:...the Chicago school of economists.…芝加哥经济学派。
7、[[书面]] If you school someone in something, you train or educate them to have a certain skill, type of behaviour, or way of thinking. 训练; 教育
例:Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.许多母亲用男尊女卑的错误观念教育女儿。