时间: 2025-03-07 11:14:02
1. n. 神;(大写首字母时)上帝
2. vt. 膜拜,崇拜
3. n. (God)人名;(索、阿拉伯)古德
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:God 通常指的是一个超自然的存在,通常被认为是创造者和宇宙的主宰。在许多**中,God 被视为全能、全知和全善的存在。
- 词性:名词
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:God 源自古英语 "gōd",与德语 "Gott" 和拉丁语 "deus" 有相似之处。它的词根与古日耳曼语的词根有关,通常与“呼唤”或“祈祷”相关。
历史背景:God 作为一个词在教文献中首次被广泛使用,古老的文本如《圣经》中对 God 的描述形成了其现代含义。
课本:在的英语教材中,God 通常出现在初中或高中阶段的文化相关单元;在牛津和美国的教材中,God 可能在**、文化或哲学课程中出现,适合高中生及以上的学龄段。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在或哲学的讨论中,God 被用于描述神圣的存在。例如,“Many religions believe in one God.”(许多信仰一个上帝。)
- 非正式:在日常交流中,God 也可以用于表达惊讶或强烈的情感。例如,“Oh my God, I can't believe it!”(天哪,我简直不敢相信!)
特殊场合:在法律文书中,God 可能用于誓言或宣誓的语句中。例如,“I swear to tell the truth, so help me God.”(我发誓说真话,愿上帝帮助我。)
4. 示例句子:
God is often depicted as a benevolent figure in various religions.
上帝在各种**中通常被描绘为一个仁慈的形象。 -
Many people find comfort in prayer, believing that God listens to their concerns.
许多人在祈祷中找到安慰,认为上帝倾听他们的忧虑。 -
The concept of God varies significantly across different cultures.
上帝的概念在不同文化中差异显著。 -
"God is dead," said Nietzsche, challenging traditional beliefs.
尼采说:“上帝死了”,挑战传统信仰。 -
In times of cr****, some people turn to God for guidance and support.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- 同义词:Deity(神明),Divine Being(神圣存在)。同义词之间的微小差异在于,deity 更强调神的神秘性和崇拜,而 divine being 更强调其神圣性质。
- 反义词:Atheism(无神论)或 Infidelity(不信仰)。无神论是对神存在的否定,而不信仰则是指缺乏对特定**或神的信仰。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:将 God 的发音记为 /ɡɒd/,可以通过联想“光”的发音来帮助记忆,想象一个光明的神灵。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想到“高德”用来记忆,想象高德地图在指引方向,就像上帝引导人们的生活。
7. 关联词汇:
- 相关词汇包括:Faith(信仰),Worship(崇拜),Prayer(祈祷),Divine(神圣的),Heaven(天堂),Religion()。这些词汇经常与 God 一起使用,构成和信仰的相关讨论。
通过以上的分析,希望能够帮助你更深入地理解单词 "God" 的含义、用法和文化背景。
1、[N-PROPER] The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. 上帝
例:He believes in God.他信奉上帝。
2、[[强调]] People sometimes use God in exclamations to emphasize something that they are saying, or to express surprise, fear, or excitement. This use could cause offence. 天哪
例:Oh my God, he's shot somebody.噢,我的天哪,他向人开了枪。
例:Good God, it's Mr. Harper!天哪,是哈珀先生!
3、[N-COUNT] In many religions, a god is one of the spirits or beings that are believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature. 神
例:...Zeus, king of the gods.…宙斯,众神之王。
4、[N-COUNT] Someone who is admired very much by a person or group of people, and who influences them a lot, can be referred to as a god. 神一般的人物
例:To his followers he was a god.对他的追随者们来说,他是个神一般的人物。
5、[[强调]] You can say God knows, God only knows, or God alone knows to emphasize that you do not know something. 天晓得 (用以强调不知情)
例:God alone knows what she thinks.天晓得她想什么。
6、[[强调]] If someone says God knows in reply to a question, they mean that they do not know the answer. 天晓得 (用以强调不知道答案)
例:"Where is he now?"—"God knows."“他现在在哪里?”—“天晓得。”
7、[[非正式]] If someone uses expressions such as what in God's name, why in God's name, or how in God's name, they are emphasizing how angry, annoyed, or surprised they are. 到底 (用以强调愤怒、烦恼、吃惊的程度)
例:What in God's name do you expect me to do?你到底要我做什么?
8、[[非正式]] If a person thinks they are God's gift to someone or something, they think they are perfect or extremely good. 上帝的恩赐
例:Are men God's gift to women? Some of them think they are.男人是上帝对女人的恩赐吗?有些男人认为他们是。
9、[[表不满]] If someone plays God, they act as if they have unlimited power and can do anything they want. 扮上帝
例:You have no right to play God in my life!你无权在我的生活中扮演上帝!
10、[[强调]] You can use God in expressions such as I hope to God, or I wish to God, or I swear to God, in order to emphasize what you are saying. 对天 (希望、发誓)
例:I hope to God they are paying you well.我真心希望他们给你好的报酬。
11、[PHRASE] If you say God willing, you are saying that something will happen if all goes well. 天公作美
例:God willing, there will be a breakthrough.天公作美的话,会有所突破。