
时间: 2025-03-05 22:01:35





1. n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端

2. vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于

3. vi. 表明;指向

4. n. (Point)人名;(法)普安


CET4   TEM4    ( points )



  1. 基本定义

    • 字面意思: "point" 的字面含义是“点”,可以指一个具体的位子或位置。它可以表示一个小的圆形或某个特定位置,也可以指某个论点或观点。
    • 词性: 名词、动词。
  2. 词源与起源

    • 词源分析: "point" 源自拉丁语 "punctum",意为“刺、点”,通过古法语 "point" 进入英语,表示“尖端”或“点”。

    • 历史背景: 该词在中世纪英语中首次出现,常用于描述位置或论点的尖锐性,文献中可以追溯到14世纪。

    • 课本: 在**的英语教材中,通常在初中和高中阶段出现,如《新概念英语》中。牛津和美国的教材如《Oxford English Dictionary》和《American Heritage Dictionary》也在初中和高中阶段使用。

  3. 使用场景

    • 正式与非正式语境

      • 正式:在学术论文或商业报告中,"point" 通常用于指代某个论点或特定的数据点。
      • 非正式:在日常交流中,人们可能会用"point" 来指代某个小的事情或观点,例如:“That's a good point!”(这是个好观点!)
    • 特殊场合

      • 在法律领域,"point" 可用于指代法律条款或关键论点,如:“The point of law was debated in court.”(该法律要点在法庭上被辩论。)
      • 在科学领域,可以指特定的测量点或数据点,例如:“We need to examine each data point carefully.”(我们需要仔细检查每一个数据点。)
  4. 示例句子

    1. The teacher made an important point about the need for teamwork.
      • 老师强调了团队合作的重要性。
    2. Please point to the location on the map.
      • 请在地图上指出位置。
    3. She raised a valid point in the discussion.
      • 她在讨论中提出了一个有效的观点。
    4. The game is played to a certain point limit.
      • 游戏有一个特定的得分限制。
    5. At this point, we should consider all options.
      • 在这个时候,我们应该考虑所有选项。
  5. 同义词与反义词

    • 同义词
      • Mark:通常指一个标记或符号,但不一定是具体的“点”。
      • Tip:多指尖端或小点,通常是物体的最小部分。
    • 反义词
      • Line:指一条线,与“点”形成对比,表示更长的延伸。
      • Area:指一个区域,表示广阔的空间,与“点”相反。

*. *方法**

  • 音标记忆法:可通过发音将"point"(/pɔɪnt/)与“尖端”联想。想象一个尖锐的物体,帮助记住这个词的含义。
  • 词根记忆法:记住 "punctum" 这个词根,意味着“点”。可以联想其他词如“punctual”(准时的)等。
  1. 关联词汇
    • Point out:指出
    • Point of view:观点
    • Pointless:无意义的
    • High point:高潮
    • Meeting point:会合点



1、[N-COUNT] You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written. 看法

  1. 例:We disagree with every point she makes.我们不同意她提出的任何观点。

  2. 例:The following account will clearly illustrate this point.以下的陈述将清楚地阐明这一看法。

2、[N-SING] If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered. 重要性

  1. 例:"If he'd already killed once, surely he'd have killed Sarah?" She had a point there.“如果他已经杀过一次人,莎拉就一定是他杀的了吗?”她这句话有道理。

3、[N-SING] The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest. 要点

  1. 例:"Did I ask you to talk to me?"—"That's not the point."“我要你跟我说了吗?”—“问题不在这儿。”

4、[N-SING] If you ask what the point of something is, or say that there is no point in it, you are indicating that a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful. 意义; 目的

  1. 例:What was the point of thinking about him?想着他有什么意义呢?

5、[N-COUNT] A point is a detail, aspect, or quality of something or someone. 细节 (之处)

  1. 例:Many of the points in the report are correct.报告中的很多细节是正确的。

  2. 例:The most interesting point about the village was its religion.这个村庄最有趣的一点是它的宗教。

6、[N-COUNT] A point is a particular place or position where something happens. 地点

  1. 例:I'm sure there's another point we could meet at, but not there.我确信我们还有别的地点可以会面,但不是那儿。

7、[N-SING] You use point to refer to a particular time, or to a particular stage in the development of something. 时刻; 阶段

  1. 例:We're all going to die at some point.我们都会在某一时刻死去的。

  2. 例:It got to the point where he had to leave.到了他不得不离开的时候了。

8、[N-COUNT] The point of something such as a pin, needle, or knife is the thin, sharp end of it. (别针、针、刀等的) 尖端

  1. 例:Put the tomatoes into a bowl and stab each one with the point of a knife.把那些西红柿放在一只碗里,然后用刀尖把每个都划开。

9、[N-COUNT] In some sports, competitions, and games, a point is one of the single marks that are added together to give the total score. (体育比赛中的) 得分

  1. 例:Chamberlain scored 50 or more points four times in the season.张伯伦在那个赛季中4次得分在50或50以上。

10、[N-COUNT] The points of the compass are directions such as North, South, East, and West. (罗盘的) 方位点

  1. 例:Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.观光客从四面八方赶了过来。

11、[[英国英语]] On a railway line, the points are the levers and rails at a place where two tracks join or separate. The points enable a train to move from one track to another. (铁轨的) 接点

  1. 例:...a set of railway tracks – including points – and a model train.…一套铁轨–含转辙器–和一个火车模型。

12、[V-I] If you point at a person or thing, you hold out your finger toward them in order to make someone notice them. (用手指) 指向

  1. 例:I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me.我指了指坐得离我最近的那个男孩。

  2. 例:He pointed at me with the stem of his pipe.他用他的烟斗柄指着我。

13、[V-T] If you point something at someone, you aim the tip or end of it toward them. 对准

  1. 例:David pointed his finger at Mary.戴维手指着玛丽。

14、[V-I] If something points to a place or points in a particular direction, it shows where that place is or it faces in that direction. 指向

  1. 例:An arrow pointed to the toilets.一个箭头指向了厕所。

  2. 例:He controlled the car until it was pointing forward again.他控制住了汽车,直到车头再次朝向前方。

15、[V-I] If something points to a particular situation, it suggests that the situation exists or is likely to occur. 表明; 显示

  1. 例:Earlier reports pointed to students working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.早期的报告显示学生学习更刻苦、持续的时间更长,而且兴致高昂。

16、[V-I] If you point to something that has happened or that is happening, you are using it as proof that a particular situation exists. 着重指出

  1. 例:George Fodor points to other weaknesses in the campaign.乔治·福多尔着重指出了这场活动的其他缺点。

17、[PHRASE] If you say that something is beside the point, you mean that it is not relevant to the subject that you are discussing. 不相关的

  1. 例:Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point.布赖恩是不喜欢它,但这同讨论的问题不相关。

18、[PHRASE] When someone comes to the point or gets to the point, they start talking about the thing that is most important to them. 谈正题; 言归正传

  1. 例:He came to the point at once. "You did a splendid job on this case."他立刻切入正题。“你这件事情干得真棒。”

19、[PHRASE] If you make your point or prove your point, you prove that something is true, either by arguing about it or by your actions or behaviour. 证明自己的论点

  1. 例:I think you've made your point, dear.我想你已经证明了你的论点,亲爱的。

  2. 例:Dr. David McCleland studied one-hundred people, aged eighteen to sixty, to prove the point.戴维·麦克莱兰博士对100个年龄在18岁到60岁之间的人进行了研究,以证明自己的论点。

20、[PHRASE] If you make a point of doing something, you do it in a very deliberate or obvious way. 有意

  1. 例:She made a point of spending as much time as possible away from Oklahoma.她有意尽可能长时间地呆在俄克拉何马以外的地方。

21、[PHRASE] If you are on the point of doing something, you are about to do it. 正要…之际

  1. 例:He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang.他正要说些什么的时候,电话响了。

22、[PHRASE] Something that is to the point is relevant to the subject that you are discussing, or expressed neatly without wasting words or time. 中肯的

  1. 例:The description which he had been given was brief and to the point.对他所作的描述简要、中肯。

23、[PHRASE] If you say that something is true up to a point, you mean that it is partly but not completely true. 在一定程度上

  1. 例:"Was she good?"—"Mmm. Up to a point."“她优秀吗?”—“嗯,还过得去。”