时间: 2025-03-07 10:10:21
1. n. 银行;岸;浅滩;储库
2. vt. 将…存入银行;倾斜转弯
3. vi. 堆积;倾斜转弯
4. n. (Bank)人名;(英、德、俄)班克;(法、匈)邦克
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:银行是一个金融机构,提供存款、贷款和其他金融服务。
- 定义:银行是一个接受公众存款并提供贷款、投资和其他金融服务的商业组织。
- 词性:名词(noun),动词(verb)。
2. 词源与起源:
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在商务会议中讨论“banking regulations”(银行法规)。
- 非正式:朋友间谈论“let's go to the bank”(我们去银行吧)。
特殊场合:在法律文件中,"bank"可能与“bankruptcy”(破产)相关联;在经济学中,"central bank"(中央银行)是一个重要概念。
4. 示例句子:
I need to go to the bank to deposit my paycheck.
- 我需要去银行存入我的薪水。
The central bank has raised interest rates to control inflation.
- 中央银行提高了利率以控制通货膨胀。
She opened a new bank account online.
- 她在线开了一个新的银行账户。
The bank offers various financial services to its customers.
- 银行为其客户提供多种金融服务。
He works as a loan officer at the local bank.
- 他在当地银行担任贷款专员。
*. Many people prefer to use online banking for convenience.
- 许多人为了方便选择使用网上银行。
The bank was robbed in broad daylight.
- 银行在大白天被抢劫了。
She transferred money from her savings bank to her checking account.
- 她把钱从储蓄账户转到支票账户。
The bank's new policy aims to improve customer service.
- 银行的新政策旨在改善客户服务。
After the economic cr****, many banks faced bankruptcy.
- 在经济危机后,许多银行面临破产。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Financial institution:一般指任何提供金融服务的机构,但不一定是银行。
- Lender:更侧重于贷款的功能,而不是存款。
- Debtor:指欠债的人,与银行提供贷款的功能相对。
- Withdraw:虽然是动词,但它指的是从银行账户中取钱,与存款的概念相反。
. 学方法:
- “bank”的音标为 /bæŋk/。可以将其分解为“b”(发音时嘴巴形状)和“ank”(想象一个“银行”场景,帮助记忆)。
7. 关联词汇:
- ATM(自动取款机)
- Deposit(存款)
- Withdrawal(取款)
- Loan(贷款)
- Interest rate(利率)
- Account(账户)
1、[N-COUNT] A bank is an institution where people or businesses can keep their money. 银行
例:Students should look to see which bank offers them the service that best suits their financial needs.学生们应该去了解哪家银行的服务最适合他们的财务需求。
2、[V-I] If you bank with a particular bank, you have an account with that bank. (在某银行)开户
例:I have banked with Coutts & Co. for years.我已经使用雇资银行很多年了。
3、[N-COUNT] You use bank to refer to a store of something. For example, a blood bank is a store of blood that is kept ready for use. 库
例:...a national data bank of information on hospital employees.…一个有关医院职工信息的国家数据库。
4、[N-COUNT] The banks of a river, canal, or lake are the raised areas of ground along its edge. 岸
例:We pedalled north along the east bank of the river.我们沿着这条河的东岸骑车北上。
5、[N-COUNT] A bank of ground is a raised area of it with a flat top and one or two sloping sides. 堤
例:...lounging on the grassy bank.…懒洋洋地躺在长满草的堤岸上。
6、[N-COUNT] A bank of something is a long high mass of it. (指事情多成)堆
例:A bank of clouds had built up along the western horizon.一堆堆的云沿着西边的地平线积聚起来了。
7、[N-COUNT] A bank of things, especially machines, switches, or dials, is a row of them, or a series of rows. (一)排 (机器、开关或仪表盘)
例:The typical labourer now sits in front of a bank of dials.这个典型的劳工正在一排仪表盘面前坐着。
8、[V-I] When an aircraft banks, one of its wings rises higher than the other, usually when it is changing direction. (飞机转向时) 倾斜着飞行
例:A single-engine plane took off and banked above the motorway in front of him.一架单引擎飞机起飞了,倾斜地飞行在他前面的高速公路上空。