时间: 2025-03-12 03:02:59
1. vt. 击鼓;大力争取
2. vi. 击鼓;大力争取
3. n. 鼓;鼓声
4. n. (Drum)人名;(英)德拉姆;(德)德鲁姆
1. 基本定义
"Drum" 指的是一种打击乐器,通常是圆形的,使用皮革或其他材料覆盖的空心体,发出声音。
定义:A cylindrical musical instrument that is played by striking its surface with sticks or hands. -
名词(noun)和动词(verb)。- 名词:如 "a drum"(一个鼓)。
- 动词:如 "to drum"(打鼓)。
2. 词源与起源
"Drum" 源自古英语 "druma",与德语 "Trommel" 和荷兰语 "trommel" 相关,意指打击乐器。词根 "drum" 本身可能与发出声音的动作有关。 -
"Drum" 在历史上被用于军事和文化活动中,早在中世纪就被广泛使用。相关的文学作品中,莎士比亚等作家也提到过打鼓。 -
在**的中小学英语教材中,"drum" 一般在初中阶段出现;在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在小学阶段引入,以帮助学生理解乐器和音乐的基本概念。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在音乐教育或音乐会中谈论乐器,使用 "drum" 作为专业术语。
- 例句:The orchestra included a variety of instruments, including the drum for rhythm.
- 非正式:在日常对话中,"drum" 可以用来指代打鼓的行为或爱好。
- 例句:I love to drum when I'm feeling stressed.
在军事或庆典活动中,"drum" 常常与士兵的行进和节奏有关。- 例句:The drum beat signaled the start of the parade.
4. 示例句子
The drummer played a lively rhythm during the concert.
(鼓手在音乐会上演奏了活泼的节奏。) -
She learned how to drum at a young age.
(她在年轻时就学会了打鼓。) -
The sound of the drum echoed through the hall.
(鼓声在大厅中回荡。) -
He drummed his fingers on the table while waiting.
(他在等待时用手指敲打桌子。) -
The military band featured drums and brass instruments.
*. The children enjoyed a drum circle under the trees.
The rhythmic drumming attracted everyone's attention.
(有节奏的打鼓吸引了每个人的注意。) -
She has a passion for drumming that she pursues in her free time.
(她对打鼓的热爱在空闲时间持续追求。) -
The drum solo was the highlight of the performance.
(鼓独奏是表演的亮点。) -
He drummed up support for the project among his friends.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Percussion:指打击乐器的总称,强调乐器的类别。
- Bongos:一种特定的打击乐器,通常指小鼓,区别在于形状和演奏方式。
- Silence:指没有声音,与 "drum" 发声的特性相反。
. 学方法
将 "drum" 和中文“鼓”结合记忆,可以想象一个鼓手在表演时,发出“砰砰”的声音,帮助记忆这个词的发音和含义。
7. 关联词汇
- Drumstick:鼓槌
- Drumming:打鼓
- Percussion:打击乐器
- Rhythm:节奏
- Beat:拍子
通过以上分析,"drum" 这个单词的使用和学*可以在多种场合得到丰富的理解和应用。
1、[N-COUNT] A drum is a musical instrument consisting of a skin stretched tightly over a round frame. You play a drum by beating it with sticks or with your hands. 鼓
例:...a worker who died after collapsing while beating a drum during a demonstration.…一个在游行时因击鼓过度劳累而倒毙的工人。
2、[N-COUNT] A drum is a large cylindrical container which is used to store fuel or other substances. 鼓状容器
例:...an oil drum.…一只油桶。
3、[V-T/V-I] If something drums on a surface, or if you drum something on a surface, it hits it regularly, making a continuous beating sound. 连续敲击
例:He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk.他用手指不停地敲击皮桌面。