时间: 2025-03-05 03:14:48
1. n. [土壤] 粘土;泥土;肉体;似黏土的东西
2. vt. 用黏土处理
3. n. (Clay)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)克莱
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Clay refers to a natural material composed of fine-grained minerals that become plastic when wet and harden upon drying or firing.
- 清晰的定义:Clay is a type of soil that can be molded when wet and is often used in pottery, ceramics, and construction.
- 词性:名词 (noun)
2. 词源与起源:
- 词源分析:The word "clay" comes from the Old English "clǣg," which has connections to the Proto-Germanic "*klaiwaz," meaning "sticky" or "adhesive," reflecting its malleable nature.
- 历史背景:The term has been used since at least the 10th century, primarily in the context of pottery and building materials.
- 课本:在**的英语教材中,"clay"常出现在初中和高中阶段的科学或艺术课程中。在牛津和美国的教材中,尤其在地理和艺术课程中也有涉及。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式与非正式语境:在正式场合中,"clay"可以用于描述陶瓷工艺或建筑材料,而在非正式场合中,可能用于讨论手工艺或儿童游戏(如泥巴游戏)。例如,艺术家可能会说:“This sculpture is made from high-quality clay.”(这座雕塑是用高质量的粘土制成的。)
- 特殊场合:在法律文书中,"clay"可以指土壤的种类,影响土地使用权。在科学研究中,"clay"可指特定的矿物质组分,对土壤的特性有重要影响。
4. 示例句子:
The potter shaped the clay into a beautiful vase.
(陶艺家把粘土塑造成一个美丽的花瓶。) -
Clay is often used in art classes to teach students about sculpture.
(粘土常用于艺术课,教学生们关于雕塑的知识。) -
The ancient civilization used clay bricks to build their homes.
(古代文明使用粘土砖建造他们的房屋。) -
After it dries, the clay becomes hard and can be painted.
(干燥后,粘土变得坚硬,可以被涂漆。) -
In geology, clay is classified as a fine-grained soil.
*. The child played with clay at the art table.
The clay deposits in this area are rich in minerals.
(这一地区的粘土沉积物富含矿物质。) -
She mixed the clay with water to make it more pliable.
(她把粘土和水混合,以使其更易于塑形。) -
Clay modeling is a popular hobby for many people.
(粘土建模是许多人的一种受欢迎的爱好。) -
The archaeologists discovered clay tablets from an ancient civilization.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Earth:通常指土壤或泥土,强调其自然成分。
- Mud:指湿的土壤,通常是水与粘土混合,使用上更为非正式和口语化。
- Rock:坚硬的矿物质,与粘土的可塑性形成对比。
- Sand:一种颗粒较大且不易成型的土壤,与粘土的细腻和可塑性相对。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:可以通过音标记忆“clay”的发音 /kleɪ/,与“play”有相似音,通过联想“play with clay”来加深记忆。
- 词根记忆法:虽然“clay”没有明显的词根,但可以通过其词源了解其与“粘性”的关联,想象粘土在湿润时的可塑性。
- 谐音联想记忆:想象“clay”与“play”的发音相似,可以联想到儿童玩泥巴的场景。
7. 关联词汇:
- Pottery(陶器)
- Ceramics(陶瓷)
- Molding(塑形)
- Sculpture(雕塑)
- Kiln(窑)
- Earth(土壤)
- Soil(土)
1、[N-MASS] Clay is a kind of earth that is soft when it is wet and hard when it is dry. Clay is shaped and baked to make things such as pots and bricks. 黏土
例:...the heavy clay soils of Georgia.…佐治亚州厚重的黏土的土壤。
例:As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.随着轮盘的转动,陶工把那块黏土塑造、挤捏成了一个优雅的造型。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] In tennis, matches played on clay are played on courts whose surface is covered with finely crushed stones or brick. 红土网球场
例:Most tennis is played on hard courts, but a substantial amount is played on clay.大多数网球是在硬地球场上打,但相当多的是在红土场地上打。