时间: 2025-03-07 11:03:21
1. vi. 修理;修复
2. vt. 修理;恢复;补救,纠正
3. n. 修理,修补;修补部位
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Repair的字面意思是“修理、修复”,指的是将损坏或不再有效的物品恢复到可用状态的过程。
- 词性:动词(verb)和名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源:
3. 使用场景:
- 正式语境:在商务对话或技术文档中常用,如“Please arrange for the repair of the equipment.”(请安排设备的修理。)
- 非正式语境:家庭对话或朋友间交流,例如“I need to repair my bike.”(我需要修理我的自行车。)
- 法律:法律文件中可能提及“repair”以强调义务,例如“the contractor is responsible for the repair of any damages caused.”(承包商负责修复任何造成的损害。)
- 科学:在生物学中,常用“repair”描述细胞修复过程,如“DNA repair mechanisms are vital for cellular health.”(DNA修复机制对细胞健康至关重要。)
4. 示例句子:
I took my car to the garage for repair.
- 我把车送到车库维修。
The repair of the old building was completed last year.
- 这座老建筑的修复在去年完成。
He repaired the broken window with a piece of glass.
- 他用一块玻璃修好了破损的窗户。
This software can help you repair corrupted files.
- 这个软件可以帮助你修复损坏的文件。
She is skilled in the repair of electronic devices.
- 她擅长修理电子设备。
*. The repair costs were higher than expected.
- 修理费用高于预期。
We need to repair the roof before winter.
- 我们需要在冬天之前修理屋顶。
The company offers a warranty for repairs.
- 该公司提供维修保修。
His quick repair of the issue saved us a lot of time.
- 他迅速解决问题为我们节省了很多时间。
The mechanic's repair skills are exceptional.
- 机械师的修理技能非常出色。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Fix:更常用于非正式语境,指快速修理,如“Can you fix my phone?”(你能修好我的手机吗?)
- Mend:通常指对衣物或小物件的修复,如“Please mend the torn shirt.”(请修补这件破损的衬衫。)
- Damage:指造成破坏或损坏,含义相反,如“Do not damage the equipment.”(不要损坏设备。)
- Destroy:表示彻底毁坏,强度更高,如“The fire destroyed the house.”(大火摧毁了房子。)
. 学方法:
选择 词根记忆法 来学*“repair”:
- 词根“par”表示“准备”,可以联想到修复的过程是将损坏的东西“再次准备”好。可以通过想象一个损坏的物体被修复的场景来加深理解。
7. 关联词汇:
- Maintenance(维护)
- Service(服务)
- Restore(恢复)
- Fix(修理)
- Repairman(修理工)
- Replacement(替换)
1、[V-T] If you repair something that has been damaged or is not working properly, you fix it. 修理; 修补; 整修
例:Goldsmith has repaired the roof to ensure the house is windproof.戈德史密斯已经修理了房顶以确保房子可以抵御狂风。
2、[N-COUNT] repairer 修理工
例:...services provided by builders, plumbers, and TV repairers.…建筑工、水暖工和电视修理工提供的服务。
3、[V-T] If you repair a relationship or someone's reputation after it has been damaged, you do something to improve it. 弥补; 补救
例:The administration continued to try to repair the damage caused by the secretary's interview.该政府继续努力去弥补因秘书访谈而造成的损失。
4、[N-VAR] A repair is something that you do to mend a machine, building, piece of clothing, or other thing that has been damaged or is not working properly. 修理; 修补; 整修
例:Many women know how to make repairs on their cars.很多女性知道如何修理汽车。
5、[V] to go (to a place) 去; 往(某地)
例:to repair to the country