时间: 2025-03-13 11:46:56
1. adj. 富有的;肥沃的;昂贵的
2. adj. 油腻的,含有很多脂肪
3. n. (Rich)人名;(丹)里克;(捷)里赫;(英、西)里奇;(葡、法)里什
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:指拥有大量财富或资源的状态,也可以指物质、文化、情感等方面的丰盈。
- 词性:形容词。
2. 词源与起源:
- 源自古英语“rice”,意为“强大、富裕”,可追溯至原始日耳曼语词根“*rīks”,意指“统治”或“权力”。其后缀“-ich”表示形容词性质。
- 首次使用的历史可追溯至中世纪,相关文献中常用于形容王公贵族的财富与地位。
- 在**教材中,通常出现在初中和高中英语课程中。
- 牛津和美国的中学教材中也常出现,适合初中至高中的学*者。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:在商业谈判中,形容一家公司“rich in resources”意为资源丰富。“The rich cultural heritage of the region is undeniable.”
- 非正式:在日常对话中,可以说“She's really rich!”表示某人很有钱。
- 经济学:在研究社会经济时,常用“rich”来描述经济体的财富状况。
- 艺术:在艺术评论中,“rich colors”指色彩丰富饱满。
4. 示例句子:
He is a rich man who owns several properties.
他是一个富有的人,拥有几处房产。 -
The cake was rich and indulgent.
这块蛋糕味道丰富,令人沉醉。 -
The region is rich in history and culture.
该地区历史和文化丰富。 -
She has a rich imagination which inspires her writing.
她的想象力丰富,激励着她的写作。 -
The company is rich in talent and expertise.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Wealthy:强调金钱和物质财富。
- Affluent:通常指社会地位较高的富裕状态。
- Poor:指缺乏金钱或资源的状态。
- Impoverished:强调因失去财富而导致的贫困。
. 学方法:
7. 关联词汇:
- wealth(财富)
- prosperous(繁荣的)
- luxurious(奢华的)
- opulent(富裕的)
- abundant(丰富的)
1、[ADJ] A rich person has a lot of money or valuable possessions. 富的
例:You're going to be a very rich man.你将成为一个非常富的人。
2、[N-PLURAL] The rich are rich people. 富人
例:This is a system in which the rich are taken care of and the poor are left to suffer.这是个富人受关照,而穷人遭罪的制度。
3、[N-PLURAL] Riches are valuable possessions or large amounts of money. 财富
例:An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete.一枚奥运金牌能为一名运动员带来数不尽的财富。
4、[ADJ] A rich country has a strong economy and produces a lot of wealth, so many people who live there have a high standard of living. 富强的
例:There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in rich countries.饥饿在世界许多地方都存在,甚至在一些富国。
5、[N-PLURAL] If you talk about the Earth's riches, you are referring to things that exist naturally in large quantities and that are useful and valuable, for example minerals, wood, and oil. (自然) 资源
例:...Russia's vast natural riches.…俄罗斯巨大的自然资源。
6、[[v-link ADJ 'in' n, ADJ n]] If something is rich in a useful or valuable substance or is a rich source of it, it contains a lot of it. 富含的
例:Liver and kidneys are particularly rich in vitamin A.肝脏和肾脏尤其富含维生素A。
7、[ADJ] Rich food contains a lot of fat or oil. (食物) 油腻的
例:Additional cream would make it too rich.额外的奶油会使它过于油腻。
8、[N-UNCOUNT] richness 油腻
例:A squeeze of fresh lime juice cuts the richness of the avocado.挤一点鲜青柠汁能减少鳄梨的油腻。
9、[ADJ] Rich soil contains large amounts of substances that make it good for growing crops or flowers. (土壤) 肥沃的
例:Farmers grow rice in the rich soil.农民们在肥沃的土地上种水稻。
10、[ADJ] A rich deposit of a mineral or other substance is a large amount of it. 富饶的 (矿藏等)
例:...the country's rich deposits of the metal lithium.…该国富饶的锂金属矿藏。
11、[N-UNCOUNT] richness 富饶
例:...the richness of Tibet's mineral deposits.…西藏矿藏之富饶。
12、[[ADJ n]] If you say that something is a rich vein or source of something such as humour, ideas, or information, you mean that it can provide a lot of that thing. 丰富的 (来源)
例:The director discovered a rich vein of sentimentality.导演发现了多愁善感的丰富源泉。
13、[ADJ] Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的 (气味); 浓厚的 (色彩)
例:...a rich and luxuriously perfumed bath essence.…一种浓郁的、富含香气的沐浴精华乳。
14、[N-UNCOUNT] richness (气味的) 浓郁; (色彩的) 浓厚
例:His musicals were infused with richness of colour and visual detail.他的音乐剧充满了浓厚色彩与视觉细节。
15、[ADJ] A rich life or history is one that is interesting because it is full of different events and activities. 丰富多彩的 (生活、历史)
例:A rich and varied cultural life is essential for this couple.丰富多彩的、多样化的文化生活对于这对夫妇而言是必不可少的。
16、[N-UNCOUNT] richness 丰富多彩性
例:It all adds to the richness of human life.这都增添了人类生活的丰富多彩性。
17、[ADJ] A rich collection or mixture contains a wide and interesting variety of different things. 各种各样的; 丰富的 (种类)
例:Visitors can view a rich and colourful array of aquatic plants and animals.参观者可以观赏到一系列各种各样、色彩斑斓的水生动植物。
18、[N-UNCOUNT] richness 丰富性; 多样性
例:...a huge country, containing a richness of culture and diversity of landscape.…一个具有文化丰富性和地貌多样性的大国。