时间: 2025-03-07 10:33:34
1. n. 勇气;内脏;快而猛的拉
2. vt. 摘;拔;扯
3. vi. 拉;拽;扯
TEM4 ( plucking, plucked, plucks )
1. 基本定义
"Pluck" 在字面上指的是用力地拔或拉,尤其是指从某个地方去掉某物。
定义:用手或工具迅速而用力地拔掉或摘取某物,尤其是植物的部分。作为名词,指的是勇气或决心。 -
2. 词源与起源
"Pluck" 源于古英语单词 "pluccian",意为“拔取”。它与古德语 "pflücken"(摘取)和荷兰语 "plukken"(拔掉)同源。该词没有明显的前缀和后缀。 -
"Pluck" 作为动词在14世纪首次使用。作为名词的含义在19世纪开始流行,常用于描述勇气和决心。 -
在**,"pluck" 可能出现在初中或高中的英语教材中。美国的初级和中级英语教材中也可能包含这个词,尤其是在与自然、植物相关的单元中。
3. 使用场景
在正式语境中,"pluck" 常用于描述植物的采摘,如农业或园艺领域的讨论。而在非正式语境中,通常用于描述勇气或果敢的行为,例如:“She showed great pluck in standing up to the bully.”(她在面对恶霸时显示出了极大的勇气。) -
在音乐领域,"pluck" 可用来描述用手指拨弦乐器的动作,如吉他或竖琴。在法律领域,可能用来形容某种强制性地取走财物的行为。
4. 示例句子
She decided to pluck a few flowers from the garden.
她决定从花园里摘几朵花。 -
The musician expertly plucked the strings of the guitar.
音乐家熟练地拨动了吉他的弦。 -
His pluck in the face of danger impressed everyone.
他在危险面前的勇气让所有人都印象深刻。 -
You need to pluck up your courage and ask her out.
你需要鼓起勇气去约她。 -
The chicken must be plucked before cooking.
*. Despite the challenges, she showed remarkable pluck.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Pull:一般指用力拉,强调动作的力量。
- Grapple:通常指扭打或纠缠,也可以引申为努力应对困难。
- Plant:指将某物放入土壤,通常与生长相关,强调安置而非拔取。
. 学方法教学
- 通过音标记忆 "pluck" 的发音 /plʌk/,可以通过发音练*来加深记忆。想象一个小孩在玩拔草的游戏,发出“pl”声。
7. 关联词汇
- Courage(勇气)
- Bravery(勇敢)
- Harvest(收获)
- Pull(拉)
- String(弦)
通过以上的分析和示例,希望能帮助你更全面地理解和记忆 "pluck" 这个单词。
1、[[书面]] If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing. 采摘
例:I plucked a lemon from the tree.我从树上摘下一枚柠檬。
2、[[书面]] If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is. 拔; 扯
例:He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street.他从嘴上扯下了香烟,扔在外面的街上。
例:He plucked the baby out of my arms.他从我的怀中夺走了孩子。
3、[V-T] If you pluck a guitar or other musical instrument, you pull the strings with your fingers and let them go, so that they make a sound. 弹; 拨 (乐器)
例:Nell was plucking a harp.内尔那时在弹竖琴。
4、[V-T] If you pluck a chicken or other dead bird, you pull its feathers out to prepare it for cooking. 拔除 (禽类的羽毛)
例:She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.她拔鸡毛的时候看上去很轻松。
5、[V-T] If a woman plucks her eyebrows, she pulls out some of the hairs using tweezers. (用镊子) 拔 (眉毛)
例:You've plucked your eyebrows at last!你终于修了眉!
6、[PHRASE] If you pluck up the courage to do something that you feel nervous about, you make an effort to be brave enough to do it. 鼓起勇气
例:It took me about two hours to pluck up the courage to call.大约两小时后我才鼓起勇气打了电话。