时间: 2025-03-05 01:58:12
1. n. 商店;储备,贮藏;仓库
2. vt. 贮藏,储存
3. n. (Store)人名;(德)施托雷
1. 基本定义
"Store"的字面含义是“储存”或“商店”。在名词形式时,指的是一个用于存放物品的地方或销售商品的场所;在动词形式时,表示将物品放置在某处以便后续使用或保存。 -
- 名词 (noun)
- 动词 (verb)
2. 词源与起源
"Store"源自拉丁语“staurare”,意为“建立、存放”。它通过古法语“estorer”传入英语,意思为“建立、恢复”。 -
"Store"首次记录在英语中大约在14世纪,最初多指仓库或存放物品的地方。随着时间的推移,它的含义扩展到包括商店。 -
3. 使用场景
- 正式语境:在商务或法律文件中,"store"可能用于描述库存管理或供应链。
- 非正式语境:在日常对话中,"store"通常指商店,例如“我去商店买东西。”
- 法律领域:在法律文件中,"store"可能涉及到存储证据或资产的规定。
- 科学领域:在科学研究中,"store"可以指数据存储,例如“我们需要存储实验结果。”
4. 示例句子
I need to store my old clothes in the attic.
我需要把旧衣服储存在阁楼里。 -
The new store downtown has a great selection of books.
市中心的新商店有很棒的书籍选择。 -
You can store your files on the cloud for easy access.
你可以将文件存储在云端以便于访问。 -
The company will store the inventory in a warehouse.
公司将把库存存放在仓库里。 -
She decided to store her savings in a bank account.
*. The grocery store is open until 10 PM.
We need to store the data securely to prevent loss.
我们需要安全地存储数据以防丢失。 -
This store offers a wide range of electronics.
这家商店提供各种电子产品。 -
The museum will store the artifacts in a climate-controlled room.
博物馆将把文物储存在气候控制的房间里。 -
After the event, we will store all the equipment properly.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Depot:通常指货物的存放地点,强调运输和物流。
- Warehouse:用于大量商品的存储,通常与商业和库存有关。
- Shop:通常指零售场所,强调销售。
- Disperse:分散、散布,强调将东西分开而不是集中存放。
- Use:使用,强调物品的消耗而非储存。
. 学方法
"Store"的音标是 /stɔːr/。可以通过反复朗读来记忆其发音,并尝试将其与发音相近的词汇关联,如“前方的商店(store)正在吸引顾客”。
7. 关联词汇
- store manager(商店经理)
- storage(存储)
- storefront(商店正面)
- storehouse(仓库)
- online store(在线商店)
1、[N-COUNT] A store is a building or part of a building where things are sold. 商店
例:They are selling them for $10 apiece at a few stores in Texas and Oklahoma.得克萨斯和俄克拉何马的一些商店正以每个$10的价钱出售它们。
例:...grocery stores.…杂货店。
2、[V-T] When you store things, you put them in a container or other place and leave them there until they are needed. 存放
例:Store the cookies in an airtight tin.把曲奇饼干存放在一个密封罐中。
3、[PHRASAL VERB] Store away means the same as . 存放
例:He simply stored the tapes away.他只是把那些磁带存放起来。
4、[V-T] When you store information, you keep it in your memory, in a file, or in a computer. 存储 (信息)
例:Where in the brain do we store information about colours?我们在大脑的哪个地方存储有关颜色的信息?
5、[N-COUNT] A store of things is a supply of them that you keep somewhere until you need them. 储存
例:I handed over my secret store of chocolate.我交出了我偷偷藏起来的巧克力。
6、[N-COUNT] A store is a place where things are kept while they are not being used. 储存处
例:...a store for spent fuel from submarines.…一个潜艇废燃料的储存处。
7、[PHRASE] If something is in store for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future. 即将发生
例:Surprises were also in store for me.令人吃惊的事也将发生在我身上。