时间: 2025-03-07 11:16:43
1. n. 火焰;热情;光辉
2. v. 焚烧;泛红
3. n. (Flame)人名;(法)弗拉姆;(西)弗拉梅
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Flame 指的是火焰,是燃烧过程中的可见光和热的表现。其定义为:“燃烧过程中产生的光和热的可见部分”。
- 词性:名词(noun)和动词(verb)。
2. 词源与起源:
词源分析:Flame 源自拉丁语“flamma”,意为“火焰”。词根“flam-”意指“燃烧”或“发光”。
历史背景:Flame 的首次书面记录可以追溯到公元前12世纪的古英语文献中,逐渐演变为现代英语的用法。
课本:在**的中小学英语教材中,Flame 通常在初中阶段出现,尤其是在与自然科学或安全相关的单元中。牛津和美国的教材也会在初中和高中阶段讨论火焰的物理和化学特性。
3. 使用场景:
正式与非正式语境:在正式语境中,Flame 常用于科学、环境保护等领域,例如“the flame of a candle”指蜡烛的火焰。在非正式语境下,可以用来形容情感,如“a flame of passion”表示热情的火焰。
- 例句:The scientist observed the flame of the Bunsen burner during the experiment.(科学家在实验中观察了本生灯的火焰。)
- 例句:In his novel, the flame symbolizes both destruction and renewal.(在他的小说中,火焰象征着毁灭与重生。)
4. 示例句子:
The candle's flame flickered in the dark.
蜡烛的火焰在黑暗中摇曳。 -
She felt a flame of anger rise within her.
她感到内心涌起一阵愤怒。 -
The campfire’s flame danced around the logs.
营火的火焰在木头周围跳动。 -
He was a flame of inspiration for many artists.
他是许多艺术家的灵感之火。 -
The flame of the torch illuminated the path ahead.
*. The flames engulfed the entire building.
She blew out the flame and made a wish.
她吹灭了火焰并许下一个愿望。 -
The flame represents passion and creativity.
火焰象征着激情与创造力。 -
As the flames rose higher, people began to panic.
随着火焰升高,人们开始惊慌。 -
The artist painted a scene of a flame against the night sky.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Blaze(火焰,通常指更强烈的火焰)
- Fire(火,通常指更广泛的概念)
- Glow(发光,通常指较弱且柔和的光)
同义词的微小差异在于:Blaze 更强调强烈火焰的状态,而 Glow 通常指柔和而不那么强烈的光。
- Extinguish(熄灭,意味着不再有火焰或光)
- Freeze(冻结,意指完全失去热量,与火焰相反)
反义词的区别在于:Extinguish 直接与火焰的存在相对立,而 Freeze 更加涉及温度的对立。
. 学方法:
音标记忆法:Flame 的音标是 /fleɪm/,可以通过将其与“flame”这个单词的含义相结合,比如想象一团火焰的声音来帮助记忆。
7. 关联词汇:
- Fire(火)
- Heat(热)
- Burn(燃烧)
- Ignite(点燃)
- Blaze(火焰)
- Flameproof(防火的)
1、[N-VAR] A flame is a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is burning. 火焰
例:The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted.火焰的热度如此高以至于路面融化了。
2、[[非正式]] A flame is an e-mail message which severely criticizes or attacks someone. 攻击性电子邮件
例:The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.回应攻击性电子邮件的最好方式就是置之不理。
3、[V-T] Flame is also a verb. 发送攻击性电子邮件
例:Ever been flamed?收到过攻击性电子邮件吗?
4、[PHRASE] If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly. 突然猛烈燃烧起来
例:She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.她设法从突然起火的车里爬了出来。
5、[PHRASE] Something that is in flames is on fire. 着火
例:I woke to a city in flames.我醒来时看到一座燃烧着的城市。