时间: 2025-03-10 21:41:14
1. adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的
2. vt. 通过;清除;使干净;跳过
3. vi. 放晴;变清澈
4. adv. 清晰地;完全地
5. n. 清除;空隙
6. n. (Clear)人名;(英)克利尔
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:表示没有模糊或混乱的东西,容易理解或看见的状态。
- 词性:形容词(adjective)、动词(verb)、名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在商务沟通中,"We need to ensure that our objectives are clear to all team members."(我们需要确保我们的目标对所有团队成员都是明确的。)
- 非正式:在日常对话中,"Can you be clear about what you want?"(你能清楚地说明你想要什么吗?)
- 法律:在法律文件中,"The terms of the agreement should be clear to avoid disputes."(协议条款应明确,以避免争议。)
- 科学:在科学文献中,"The results were clear and demonstrated a significant correlation."(结果清晰,显示出显著的相关性。)
4. 示例句子
- The sky is clear today.
- 今天的天空很晴朗。
- 出处:日常交流
- Please make your instructions clear.
- 请把你的指示说得清楚些。
- 出处:商务会议
- It was clear that she was upset.
- 很明显她很不高兴。
- 出处:文学作品
- The water in the lake is so clear that you can see the bottom.
- 湖水清澈透明,能看到底部。
- 出处:自然观察
- His argument was clear and convincing.
- 他的论点清晰且有说服力。
- 出处:学术文章
5. 同义词与反义词
- obvious:指某事显而易见,通常不需要解释。
- evident:更强调根据证据得出的结论。
- unclear:表示模糊或不明确的状态。
- confused:强调混乱或难以理解的状态。
. 学方法教学
- 音标记忆法:通过学*其音标 /klɪr/ 来帮助记忆与发音,可以与其他相似音节的单词联系。
- 词根记忆法:理解“clarus”意为“明亮”或“清晰”,帮助记忆与其他相关词,如“clarity”(清晰度)。
7. 关联词汇
- clear evidence(清晰的证据)
- clear instructions(明确的指示)
- clear sky(晴朗的天空)
- clear understanding(清楚的理解)
- clear vision(清晰的愿景)
1、[ADJ] Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear. 清楚的; 明白易懂的
例:The book is clear, readable, and adequately illustrated.这本书易懂易读,而且图解充足。
例:The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto.太空望远镜拍下了有史以来最清晰的冥王星的照片。
2、[ADV] clearly 清楚地; 明白易懂地
例:Whales journey up the coast of California, clearly visible from the beach.鲸鱼们朝着加利福尼亚海岸游过来,从海滩就能清楚地看见。
3、[ADJ] Something that is clear is obvious and impossible to be mistaken about. 明显的
例:It was a clear case of homicide.这是一起确信无疑的谋杀案。
例:It became clear that I hadn't been able to convince Mike.显然我没能说服迈克。
4、[[ADV with cl/group]] clearly 显然无疑地
例:Clearly, the police cannot break the law in order to enforce it.显然地,警察不能为了执法而违法。
5、[ADJ] If you are clear about something, you understand it completely. 彻底明白的
例:It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here.明确乔姆斯基在这干什么很重要。
例:He is not entirely clear on how he will go about it.他不完全清楚要如何着手做这件事。
6、[ADJ] If your mind or your way of thinking is clear, you are able to think sensibly and reasonably, and you are not affected by confusion or by a drug such as alcohol. (头脑) 清醒的
例:She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions.她需要一个清醒的头脑来执行命令。
7、[[ADV after v]] clearly 清醒地
例:The only time I can think clearly is when I'm alone.我能清醒思考的惟一时间就是当我独处时。
8、[V-T] To clear your mind or your head means to free it from confused thoughts or from the effects of a drug such as alcohol. 使清醒
例:He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.他在第五大街上走,让头脑清醒清醒。
9、[CONVENTION] You can say "Is that clear?" or "Do I make myself clear?" after you have told someone your wishes or instructions, to make sure that they have understood you, and to emphasize your authority. 清楚了吗?/我说明白了吗?
例:We're only going for half an hour, and you're not going to buy anything. Is that clear?我们只去半个小时,你不许买任何东西。明白了吗?
10、[PHRASE] If you make something clear, you say something in a way that makes it impossible for there to be any doubt about your meaning, wishes, or intentions. 把事情说明白
例:Mr. O'Friel made it clear that further insults of this kind would not be tolerated.奥弗瑞尔先生把意思说得清清楚楚,以后这种侮辱是不会被容忍的。
11、[ADJ] A clear substance is one which you can see through and which has no colour, like clean water. 透明的
例:...a clear glass panel.…一块透明的玻璃镶板。
例:...a clear gel.…一种透明的凝胶。
12、[ADJ] If a surface, place, or view is clear, it is free of unwanted objects or obstacles. 无障碍物的; 开阔的
例:The runway is clear – go ahead and land.跑道畅通无阻–继续前行并着陆。
例:Caroline prefers her countertops to be clear of clutter.卡罗琳喜欢厨房台面上没有杂乱的东西。
13、[ADJ] If it is a clear day or if the sky is clear, there is no mist, rain, or cloud. 晴朗的
例:On a clear day you can see the coast.天晴时你能看见海岸。
14、[ADJ] Clear eyes look healthy, attractive, and shining. (眼睛) 明亮的
例:...clear blue eyes.…明亮的蓝眼睛。
15、[ADJ] If your skin is clear, it is healthy and free from blemishes. (皮肤) 光洁的
例:No amount of cleansing or mineral water consumption can guarantee a clear skin.再多的洁肤和矿泉水的消耗都不能确保光洁的皮肤。
16、[ADJ] If something or someone is clear of something else, it is not touching it or is a safe distance away from it. 不与…接触的; 不与…靠近的
例:As soon as he was clear of the terminal building, he looked around.他一走出航站楼就四处张望。
17、[V-T] When you clear an area or place or clear something from it, you remove things from it that you do not want to be there. 清空; 清理出
例:To clear the land and harvest the bananas, they decided they needed a male workforce.为了清理土地和收割香蕉,他们决定需要男劳力。
例:Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke.工人们无法把烟从隧道里全部排出去。
18、[V-I] When fog or mist clears, it gradually disappears. (烟雾等) 消散
例:The early morning mist had cleared.清晨的雾气已经消散了。
19、[ADJ] If you say that your conscience is clear, you mean you do not think you have done anything wrong. 问心无愧的
例:Mr. Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents.加西亚先生说对监狱发生的事他问心无愧。
20、[V-T/V-I] When a bank clears a cheque or when a cheque clears, the bank agrees to pay the sum of money mentioned on it. 兑现
例:Banks can still take two or three weeks to clear a cheque.银行还要两三周的时间才能兑现支票。
21、[V-T] If something or someone clears the way or the path for something to happen, they make it possible. 使…成为可能
例:The prime minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government.首相今天辞职了,为新政府的组建铺平了道路。
22、[[usu passive]] If a course of action is cleared, people in authority give permission for it to happen. 允许
例:Linda Gradstein has this report from Jerusalem, which was cleared by an Israeli censor.琳达•格雷德斯坦从耶路撒冷报道,该报道已经被以色列审查员批准了。
23、[V-T] If someone is cleared, they are proved to be not guilty of a crime or mistake. 宣判无罪
例:She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter.她谋杀罪不成立,只为过失杀人罪坐了5年牢。
24、[PHRASE] If someone is in the clear, they are not in danger, or are not blamed or suspected of anything. 没有危险的; 无辜的
例:It would be stupid to do anything until we know we're in the clear.在得知我们没有危险之前采取任何行动,那会是愚蠢的。