时间: 2025-03-07 11:17:14
1. vt. 屠宰,屠杀;杀戮;使惨败
2. n. 屠宰,屠杀;杀戮;消灭
3. n. (Slaughter)人名;(英)斯劳特
TEM4 ( slaughtering, slaughtered, slaughters )
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:Slaughter 字面上指的是屠杀,尤其是指大量的杀戮或屠宰。
- 定义:Slaughter 是指故意杀死动物或人,通常用于描述***的暴力行为。
- 词性:名词、动词。
2. 词源与起源
3. 使用场景
- 在正式语境中,slaughter 可能用于法律文件或新闻报道中,描述战争、屠杀或动物屠宰等情况。
- 非正式语境中,可能出现在讨论暴力电影、小说或游戏中。
- 法律:在法律文献中,可能用来讨论涉及暴力犯罪的案件。
- 科学:在生物学或农业中,可能用来讨论动物屠宰的伦理和生物学影响。
4. 示例句子
The slaughter of innocent animals for food raises ethical questions.
(为了食物而屠杀无辜动物引发了伦理问题。) -
The film depicted the brutal slaughter during the war.
(这部电影描绘了战争期间的残酷屠杀。) -
Many activists protested against the slaughter of dolphins in Japan.
(许多活动人士抗议日本对海豚的屠杀。) -
The laws regarding animal slaughter vary from country to country.
(有关动物屠杀的法律因国家而异。) -
Historical accounts often highlight the slaughter that accompanied colonization.
*. The slaughterhouse was inspected for compliance with health regulations.
The report detailed the slaughter of thousands of endangered species.
(报告详细列出了数千种濒危物种的屠杀情况。) -
She felt a deep sadness at the thought of the slaughter of innocent lives.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Massacre:通常指***屠杀,尤其是无辜者的受害者。
- Butchery:更侧重于肉类的屠杀或加工,带有较强的暴力暗示。
- Preserve:保护、保存,意味着避免杀戮或消亡。
- Save:拯救,尤其是防止伤害或死亡的行为。
. 学方法
- 了解“slaughter”与“slay”的关系,记住“slay”是“杀”的基本形式,而“slaughter”则意味着***的杀戮。可以联想到“slay”是单个的,而“slaughter”则是成群的。
7. 关联词汇
- 相关词汇:slaughterhouse(屠宰场)、mass slaughter(大屠杀)、animal rights(动物权利)、ethics(伦理)、butcher(屠夫)。这些词汇通常在讨论屠杀、动物权利或伦理问题时频繁出现。
1、[[usu passive]] If large numbers of people or animals are slaughtered, they are killed in a way that is cruel or unnecessary. 屠杀
例:Thirty four people were slaughtered while lining up to cast their votes.有34人在排队投票时遭屠杀。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] Slaughter is also a noun. 屠杀
例:This was only a small part of a war where the slaughter of civilians was commonplace.这只是战争的一小部分,在战争中对平民的屠杀已司空见惯。
3、[V-T] To slaughter animals such as cows and sheep means to kill them for their meat. 屠宰
例:Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.饲料不足意味着养鸡场将不得不宰杀鸡。
4、[N-UNCOUNT] Slaughter is also a noun. 屠宰
例:More than 491,000 sheep were exported for slaughter last year.去年,超过四十九万一千只羊被出口供屠宰。