时间: 2025-03-12 07:50:19
1. n. 出生;血统,出身;起源
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:Birth 是指生命的开始,尤其是新生儿的诞生。
- 清晰定义:The emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its parent; the act or process of being born.
- 词性:名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源
词源分析:Birth 源于古英语“byrþ”,意思是“生育、出生”。其词根“ber-”意指“携带、承载”,与拉丁语 “ferre”(带来)相关。
历史背景:Birth 这个词在英语中使用的历史可以追溯到公元前5世纪的日耳曼语,表示生育的过程。
课本:在**的英语教材中,"birth" 常出现在小学和初中的教材中,通常涉及家庭、生命等主题。在牛津和美国的教材中,通常在初中至高中阶段的健康教育、家庭生活等单元中出现。
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在医学、法律、教育文件中,birth 用于描述出生过程或相关的法律程序。
- 非正式:在日常对话中,birth 常与庆祝活动或个人经历相关联。
- 例子: “The birth of the new policy was celebrated by the community.”(新政策的出台受到社区的欢迎。)
- 在医学领域,birth 通常与分娩、产科护理等相关。
- 在法律领域,birth certificate(出生证明)是重要的法律文件。
- 例子: “You need a birth certificate to apply for a passport.”(申请护照需要出生证明。)
4. 示例句子
- The birth of her first child was a moment she would never forget.
- 她第一个孩子的出生是她永远不会忘记的时刻。
- 出处:个人叙述
- Many cultures celebrate the birth of a child with special rituals.
- 许多文化以特殊仪式庆祝孩子的出生。
- 出处:文化研究文章
- The birth rate in the country has been declining over the past decade.
- 该国的出生率在过去十年中一直在下降。
- 出处:社会经济报告
- She received a birth announcement from her friend.
- 她收到了朋友的出生通知。
- 出处:社交媒体
- The birth of new species often occurs in isolated environments.
- 新物种的诞生往往发生在孤立的环境中。
- 出处:生物学杂志
5. 同义词与反义词
- Delivery(分娩):更侧重于分娩过程而不是出生本身。
- Nativity(出生):通常在**或文学上下文中使用。
- Death(死亡):与生命的结束相对。
- Extinction(灭绝):指物种的消失,与出生的概念相反。
. 学方法
- 音标记忆法:/bɜːrθ/,可以分解为“burt”和“th”,想象一个人“burt”出“th”。
- 词根记忆法:记住“ber-”表示“带来”,生育的过程即是带来新生命。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“birth”和“birthday”(生日),生日是庆祝出生的日子。
7. 关联词汇
- Delivery(分娩)
- Pregnancy(怀孕)
- Newborn(新生儿)
- Maternity(母性)
- Certificate(证明)
通过以上分析,您可以更全面地了解和掌握单词 "birth" 的各个方面。
1、[N-VAR] When a baby is born, you refer to this event as his or her birth. 出生
例:It was the birth of his grandchildren that gave him greatest pleasure.是孙儿孙女们的降生给了他最大的欢乐。
例:She weighed 5lb 7oz at birth.她出生时重5磅7盎司。
2、[N-UNCOUNT] You can refer to the beginning or origin of something as its birth. 开始; 起源
例:...the birth of popular democracy.…人民民主的开始
3、[N-UNCOUNT] Some people talk about a person's birth when they are referring to the social position of the person's family. 出身
例:...men of low birth.…出身低微的男人们。
4、[PHRASE] If, for example, you are French by birth, you are French because your parents are French, or because you were born in France. 在血统上
例:Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth.萨德鲁丁在血统上是伊朗人。
5、[PHRASE] When a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body. 分娩
例:She's just given birth to a baby girl.她刚刚生下一个女婴。
6、[PHRASE] To give birth to something such as an idea means to cause it to start to exist. 使产生
例:In 1980, strikes at the Lenin shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.1980年,列宁造船厂的罢工导致团结工会的建立。
7、[PHRASE] The country, town, or village of your birth is the place where you were born. 出生地
例:He left the town of his birth five years later for Australia.他5年后离开故乡去了澳大利亚。