时间: 2025-03-12 16:03:33
1. adj. 公众的;政府的;公用的;公立的
2. n. 公众;社会;公共场所
3. n. (Public)人名;(英)帕布利克
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:该单词的字面含义是“与所有人相关的,开放给所有人的”,表示某事物不受限制,所有人都可以参与或访问。
- 词性:形容词(adjective),名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源
3. 使用场景
- 正式与非正式语境:在正式语境中,“public”常用于法律、政府文献、学术文章等,如“public policy”(公共政策)和“public health”(公共健康)。在非正式语境中,可能用于日常会话,如“Let’s go to the public park.”(我们去公共公园吧。)
- 特殊场合:在法律领域中,通常使用“public interest”(公共利益)来讨论涉及大众的法律问题。在科学领域中,可能出现“public research”(公共研究),强调研究对社会的影响。
4. 示例句子
The public library is a great resource for students.
公共图书馆是学生的好资源。 -
She gave a public speech about climate change.
她就气候变化发表了公众演讲。 -
The event was open to the public.
该活动向公众开放。 -
Public opinion can greatly influence political decisions.
公众意见可以极大地影响政治决策。 -
The public transport system in the city is very efficient.
*. He works for a public organization that helps the homeless.
The public health cr** requires immediate attention.
公共**健康危机需要立即关注。 -
Many public figures have spoken out on this issue.
许多公众人物已就此问题发声。 -
The public park is a popular spot for families.
公共公园是家庭的热门去处。 -
She is a public advocate for animal rights.
5. 同义词与反义词
同义词:common, communal, societal
- 微小差异:虽然这些词都涉及到“公众”或“共同体”的概念,但“common”通常指普遍存在的事物,而“communal”强调共同使用或利益。
反义词:private, personal
- 区别:这些词指代个人或小团体的事务,与“public”中涉及的广大人群形成对比。
. 学方法
- 音标记忆法:/ˈpʌblɪk/。可以通过发音练*来加深印象,想象字母“p”像是一个开放的空间,表示“公众”。
- 词根记忆法:记住“pub-”与“人民”相关的词根,联想“人民的地方”。
- 谐音联想记忆:可以联想“扑布”,想象公众在“扑布”上分享信息。
7. 关联词汇
- 与“public”一起使用频率高的词汇:public opinion(公众意见)、public service(公共服务)、public transport(公共交通)、public health(公共健康)、public speech(公众演讲)。
1、[N-SING-COLL] You can refer to people in general, or to all the people in a particular country or community, as the public. 公众
例:The park is now open to the public.那公园现在对公众开放了。
例:Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.纯酒精是不对大众销售的。
2、[N-SING-COLL] You can refer to a set of people in a country who share a common interest, activity, or characteristic as a particular kind of public. 群体
例:Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit movie channel.市场调查显示,93%的收视群体希望有一个热门电影频道。
3、[[ADJ n]] Public means relating to all the people in a country or community. 公众的
例:The president is attempting to drum up public support for his economic programme.总统正试图为他的经济计划争取公众的支持。
4、[[ADJ n]] Public means relating to the government or state, or things that are done for the people by the state. 政府的
例:The social services account for a substantial part of public spending.社会服务性事业占政府开支的相当大的一部分。
5、[[ADV -ed]] publicly 政府地
例:...publicly funded legal services.…政府资助的法律服务。
6、[[ADJ n]] Public buildings and services are provided for everyone to use. (建筑、服务) 公共的
例:...the New York Public Library.…纽约公共图书馆。
例:The new museum must be accessible by public transportation.新博物馆必须能通公共交通。
7、[ADJ] A public place is one where people can go about freely and where you can easily be seen and heard. (地方) 公共的
例:...the heavily congested public areas of international airports.…国际机场里严重拥挤的公共区域。
8、[[ADJ n]] If someone is a public figure or in public life, many people know who they are because they are often mentioned in newspapers and on television. 公众熟悉的
例:He hit out at public figures who commit adultery.他猛烈抨击犯通奸的公众人物。
9、[[ADJ n]] Public is used to describe statements, actions, and events that are made or done in such a way that any member of the public can see them or be aware of them. (陈述、行为、事件) 公开的
例:...a public inquiry into the most grievous breakdown in security our nation has ever known.…对我们国家迄今所知最严重的安全体系崩溃的公开的调查。
例:The comments were the governor's first detailed public statement on the subject.这些评论是州长在这个问题上的首个详尽的、公开的声明。
10、[ADV] publicly 公开地
例:He never spoke publicly about the affair.他从未公开地谈论过此事。
11、[[v-link ADJ]] If a fact is made public or becomes public, it becomes known to everyone rather than being kept secret. (事实) 公开的
例:The facts could cause embarrassment if they ever became public.如果公开的话,这些事实可能会引起尴尬。
12、[[商业]] If a company goes public, it starts selling its shares on the stock exchange. 上市
例:The company went public at $21 per share.这家公司以每股$21的价格上市了。
13、[PHRASE] If you say or do something in public, you say or do it when a group of people are present. 当众
例:I probably won't be performing in public much.我很可能不会再经常当众演出。