时间: 2025-03-12 11:46:09
1. n. 按钮;纽扣
2. vt. 扣住;扣紧;在…上装纽扣
3. vi. 扣住;装有纽扣;扣上纽扣
4. n. (Button)人名;(英)巴顿
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:按钮,通常用于机械或电子设备上,用于激活某种功能的开关。
- 定义:A button is a small disc or pad that can be pressed to operate a machine or perform a function, often found on clothing or electronic devices.
- 词性:名词
2. 词源与起源:
3. 使用场景:
- 正式场合:在技术文档中,例如“Press the button to start the machine.”(按下按钮开始机器。)
- 非正式场合:日常对话中,如“Can you push that button for me?”(你能帮我按那个按钮吗?)
- 法律:在某些法律文档中,可能会提到“the button”作为某种操作的象征。
- 科学:在实验室设备中,“button”可能用于描述启动或停止实验的控件。
4. 示例句子:
Please press the button to turn on the light.
- 请按下按钮以打开灯。
The button on my shirt keeps coming undone.
- 我衬衫上的按钮总是松开。
He pressed the emergency button to alert the authorities.
- 他按下紧急按钮以警告当局。
The remote control has a button for every function.
- 遥控器上有每个功能的按钮。
There’s a button on the side of the device for easy access.
- 设备侧面有一个按钮,方便使用。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Switch:通常指电源开关,侧重于开关的功能。
- Control:更广泛,指任何能够操控机器或设备的装置。
- Unfasten:意指解开或松开,尤其在服装中使用,强调与“button”相反的动作。
. 学方法:
音标记忆法:学*“button”的音标为 /ˈbʌtən/,通过多次听和说来记忆发音。
7. 关联词汇:
- Press(按压)
- Switch(开关)
- Control(控制)
- Device(设备)
- Function(功能)
1、[N-COUNT] Buttons are small hard objects sewn onto shirts, coats, or other pieces of clothing. You fasten the clothing by pushing the buttons through holes called buttonholes. 纽扣
例:...a coat with brass buttons.…有铜纽扣的大衣。
2、[V-T] If you button a shirt, coat, or other piece of clothing, you fasten it by pushing its buttons through the buttonholes. 扣上
例:Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat.弗格森站起来,扣上大衣。
3、[PHRASAL VERB] Button up means the same as . 扣上
例:I buttoned up my coat; it was chilly.我扣上大衣;天冷嗖嗖的。
例:The young man slipped on the shirt and buttoned it up.年轻人迅速套上衬衫,扣上扣子。
4、[N-COUNT] A button is a small object on a machine or electrical device that you press in order to operate it. 按钮
例:He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.他伸手去拿遥控器,按下播放按钮。
5、[[美国英语]] A button is a small piece of metal or plastic that you wear in order to show that you support a particular movement, organization, or person. You fasten a button to your clothes with a pin. 小徽章
例:Wear a campaign button to show support for mothers in prison.佩上活动徽章,以支持坐牢的母亲们。