
时间: 2025-03-11 21:32:20





1. n. 放任;狂热

2. vt. 遗弃;放弃


CET4   TEM4    ( abandoning, abandoned, abandons )



  • 字面意思: "Abandon" 的字面含义是“放弃”或“抛弃”,即不再继续拥有某物或不再照顾某人。
  • 词性: 动词 (verb)。


  • 词源分析: "Abandon" 源自于拉丁语 "abandonare",由前缀 "a-"(意为“离开”)和 "bandon"(意为“权力”或“控制”)组成。字面意思可以理解为“放弃控制”。

  • 历史背景: 该单词首次出现在中世纪法语中,逐渐进入英语,最早的使用记录可以追溯到14世纪的文学作品。

  • 课本: 在*的英语教材中,"abandon" 通常出现在初中和高中的教材中,涉及基本的词汇学。在牛津大学和美国的教材中,通常在初中阶段引入,并在高中阶段加深理解,尤其是在文学分析中。


  • 正式与非正式语境

    • 在正式语境中,"abandon" 常用于法律文件、学术论文和商务会议中,如“the company decided to abandon the project.”(公司决定放弃该项目。)
    • 在非正式语境中,"abandon" 可以用于日常对话,如“Don't abandon your dreams!”(不要放弃你的梦想!)
  • 特殊场合

    • 在法律领域,"abandon" 可以指“放弃权利”,例如:“To abandon one's claim to property.”(放弃对财产的主张。)
    • 在文学中,常用于表达情感,如:“She abandoned all hope.”(她放弃了所有的希望。)


  1. He decided to abandon his old car.

    • 他决定放弃他的旧车。
  2. Many people abandoned their homes during the hurricane.

    • 很多人在飓风来临时抛弃了他们的家。
  3. The project was abandoned due to lack of funding.

    • 该项目因缺乏资金而被放弃。
  4. She felt abandoned by her friends.

    • 她感到被朋友抛弃了。
  5. They abandoned the idea after further consideration.

    • 经过进一步考虑,他们放弃了这个想法。


  • 同义词

    • "Forsake":强调放弃某人或某物的情感联系。
    • "Desert":通常指在困难情况下抛弃某人或某物。
  • 反义词

    • "Embrace":表示接受或支持某人或某事。
    • "Retain":意为保留或继续拥有某物。



  1. 识别词根:前缀 "a-"(离开)和词根 "bandon"(权力)。
  2. 关联含义:想象一个人放弃掌控或权力,进而理解单词的含义。
  3. 记忆联想:联想一个场景,比如一个人放弃自己的梦想,帮助加深记忆。


  • 常用搭配
    • Abandon hope(放弃希望)
    • Abandon ship(弃船)
    • Abandon a plan(放弃计划)
    • Abandon a pet(抛弃宠物)

通过以上的分析与学*方法,"abandon" 这个单词的用法与含义将更清晰易懂。


1、[V-T] If you abandon a place, thing, or person, you leave the place, thing, or person permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so. 抛弃

  1. 例:He claimed that his parents had abandoned him.他声称他的父母抛弃了他。

2、[V-T] If you abandon an activity or piece of work, you stop doing it before it is finished. 中途放弃

  1. 例:The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food in an orderly fashion.当局中途放弃了任何有序地分发食品的尝试。

3、[V-T] If you abandon an idea or way of thinking, you stop having that idea or thinking in that way. 放弃 (想法或思想方式)

  1. 例:Logic had prevailed and he had abandoned the idea.理性占了上风,他放弃了该想法。

4、[[表不满]] If you say that someone does something with abandon, you mean that they behave in a wild, uncontrolled way and do not think or care about how they should behave. 放纵

  1. 例:He approached life with reckless abandon–I don't think he himself knew what he was going to do next.他以不计后果的放纵态度对待生活–我想他自己都不知道他接下来要做什么。

5、[PHRASE] If people abandon ship, they get off a ship because it is sinking. (因船舶下沉而) 弃船

  1. 例:At the captain's order, they abandoned ship.在船长的命令下,他们弃船离开了。