时间: 2025-03-05 23:48:40
1. adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:该单词的字面含义指“严格的”、“严厉的”或“不容忍的”。
- 定义:形容词,意指对规则、标准或要求的严格遵守或执行,表现出不宽容的态度。
2. 词源与起源:
课本:该词常出现在初中和高中英语教材中,如**的《牛津英语》及《新概念英语》系列,以及美国的《Glencoe English》教材。
3. 使用场景:
- 正式:法律文件和学术论文中常用,如“strict adherence to regulations”(对规章的严格遵守)。
- 非正式:日常对话中可用于形容某人的性格,如“She's very strict about her diet”(她对自己的饮食非常严格)。
- 法律:在法律术语中,常用于描述对法律条款的严格解释。
- 教育:描述教师的教学风格,如“a strict teacher”(一位严格的老师)。
4. 示例句子:
The rules are strict, and any violation will result in penalties.
- 规则是严格的,任何违反都会导致惩罚。
He has a strict schedule that he follows every day.
- 他有一个严格的日程安排,每天都遵循。
The strict guidelines ensure safety in the workplace.
- 严格的指导方针确保工作场所的安全。
She was raised in a strict household where discipline was paramount.
- 她是在一个严格的家庭中长大的,纪律至关重要。
The judge took a strict view of the law in his ruling.
- 法官在判决中对法律采取严格的看法。
*. To maintain strict confidentiality, all records must be secured.
- 为了保持严格的保密性,所有记录必须得到保护。
The training program has strict entry requirements.
- 该培训项目有严格的入学要求。
His strict adherence to the rules impressed everyone.
- 他对规则的严格遵守给大家留下了深刻的印象。
The teacher’s strict approach helped improve student discipline.
- 老师的严格方法帮助提高了学生的纪律性。
I need to be strict with myself about my spending habits.
- 我需要对自己的消费*惯保持严格。
5. 同义词与反义词:
- rigorous:更强调严格的程度和严密性。
- stern:通常用于描述人的态度,偏向于严厉而不友好的方式。
- stringent:通常用于规定或标准,强调其严格性和强制性。
- lenient:表示宽容的、不严格的态度。
- relaxed:强调放松与不拘泥于形式的态度。
. 学方法:
- 词根“string”表示“拉紧、束缚”,联想到严格的约束与要求。
- 可以通过联想“strict”与“stringent”来加深记忆,理解它们之间的关系。
7. 关联词汇:
- strict rules(严格的规则)
- strict standards(严格的标准)
- strict discipline(严格的纪律)
- strict compliance(严格遵守)
- strict parent(严格的父母)
- strict regulations(严格的规章制度)
1、[ADJ] A strict rule or order is very clear and precise or severe and must always be obeyed completely. 严格的
例:The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep.这些官员们发出了我们不能从那辆吉普车里出来的严令。
例:French privacy laws are very strict.法国的隐私法非常严格。
2、[[ADV with v]] strictly 严格地
例:The acceptance of new members is strictly controlled.接纳新成员的工作受到严格控制。
3、[ADJ] If a parent or other person in authority is strict, they regard many actions as unacceptable and do not allow them. 严厉的
例:My parents were very strict.我的父母曾非常严厉。
4、[ADV] strictly 严厉地
例:My own mother was brought up very strictly and correctly.我自己的母亲是被非常严厉且正确地养大的。
5、[[ADJ n]] If you talk about the strict meaning of something, you mean the precise meaning of it. 确切的
例:It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.这个词就其最确切的意义而言不完全是和平,更像是没有战争。
6、[[ADV adj]] strictly 确切地
例:Actually, that is not strictly true.实际上,那并不完全是真的。
7、[[ADJ n]] You use strict to describe someone who never does things that are against their beliefs. 恪守信条的
例:Millions of Americans are now strict vegetarians.数百万美国人现在都是严格的素食者。