时间: 2025-03-12 19:09:18
1. n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物
2. vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖
3. adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的
4. n. (Block)人名;(英、法、德、西、葡、芬、罗)布洛克
- 字面意思:Block 的字面含义是“块”或“障碍”,通常指固体物体的一个立方体或长方体。
- 词性:名词(noun)、动词(verb)、形容词(adjective)。
词源分析:Block 源于古英语单词“bloc”,意为“木块”。其词根“bloc”与“木”或“块”相关,表示一个相对大的、坚固的物体。
历史背景:Block 作为一个词的首次使用可以追溯到中世纪,通常用于描述木材的形状和结构。在建筑和工程领域也得到了广泛应用。
课本:Block 这个词通常出现在小学到初中的英语教材中,如《新概念英语》和《牛津英语》等,适合*岁到14岁的学生。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- 正式:在商业和法律文件中,例如“the block of shares” (一块股份)。
- 非正式:在日常交流中,如“Let’s block the street for the parade” (我们来封住街道为游行)。
- 特殊场合:在计算机科学中,block 通常指数据块,例如“block storage” (块存储)。在法律中,block 也可以指对某个行为的阻止,如“block a proposal” (阻止一个提案)。
- 正式与非正式语境:
- The children played with blocks to build a tower.
孩子们用积木搭建塔。 - He decided to block the entrance with a large table.
他决定用一张大桌子封住入口。 - The city council voted to block the new development project.
市议会投票决定阻止新的开发项目。 - Please block out the light by closing the curtains.
请通过拉上窗帘来遮挡光线。 - The software allows you to block unwanted ads.
- The children played with blocks to build a tower.
- 同义词:
- Obstacle:通常指阻碍物或障碍物,强调阻止或干扰的性质。
- Chunk:通常指较大的一块,强调体积的大小。
- 反义词:
- Open:表示没有阻碍或障碍,强调通畅。
- Allow:表示允许或接纳,强调自由。
- 同义词:
*. *学方法**:
- 音标记忆法:Block 的发音为 /blɒk/,可以通过反复朗读和拼写来加深记忆。
- 词根记忆法:记住“bloc”是与木块和障碍相关的词根,可以帮助理解 block 在各种语境中的用法。
- 关联词汇:
- Blockage:阻塞,通常指通道或道路的阻塞。
- Blockbuster:指大受欢迎的电影或书籍,常用于娱乐领域。
- Blocking:作为动名词,指阻塞或阻挡的动作,常用于技术或法律领域。
1、[N-COUNT] A block of a substance is a large rectangular piece of it. 大块
例:...a block of ice.…一大块冰。
2、[N-COUNT] A block of apartments or offices is a large building containing them. 大楼
例:...a white-painted apartment block.…一幢漆成白色的公寓楼。
3、[N-COUNT] A block in a town or city is an area of land with streets on all its sides, or the area or distance between such streets. 街区
例:He walked around the block three times.他绕着这个街区走了3圈。
例:She walked four blocks down High Street.她沿着高街走了4个街区。
4、[V-T] To block a road, channel, or pipe means to put an object across it or in it so that nothing can pass through it or along it. 堵塞; 封锁
例:Some students today blocked a main road that cuts through the centre of the city.一些学生今天封锁了穿过市中心的公路。
5、[V-T] If something blocks your view, it prevents you from seeing something because it is between you and that thing. 挡住
例:...a row of spruce trees that blocked his view of the long north slope of the mountain.…挡住了他看向山北长坡视线的一排云杉。
6、[V-T] If you block someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place by standing in front of them. 阻挡
例:I started to move around him, but he blocked my way.我开始绕开他走,但他挡着我的路。
7、[V-T] If you block something that is being arranged, you prevent it from being done. 阻止
例:For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.多年以来,这个国家曾试图阻止多种外国廉价产品的进口。
8、[[usu N 'of' n]] A block of something such as tickets or shares is a large quantity of them, especially when they are all sold at the same time and are in a particular sequence or order. 一大叠 (一次大量购买的入场券、股票等)
例:Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.那些一次预订大量座位的人可以享受折扣价。
9、[N-COUNT] If you have a mental block or a block, you are temporarily unable to do something that you can normally do which involves using, thinking about, or remembering something. (思维、记忆等的) 阻滞
例:I cannot do maths. I've got a mental block about it.我做不了数学。我一做就大脑一片空白。