时间: 2025-03-07 10:39:37
1. n. 敌人,仇敌;敌军
2. adj. 敌人的,敌方的
1. 基本定义
- 字面意思:指与某人或某事对立的个体或群体,通常表现出敌意或对抗的行为。
- 定义:一个敌人是指一个人或一群与另一个人或群体处于冲突、对抗状态,常常表现出敌意。
- 词性:名词(noun)。
2. 词源与起源
3. 使用场景
- 正式:在军事、国际关系或政治谈判中,例如“国家间的敌意”(hostility between nations)。
- 非正式:在日常交流中,例如“我从小就有一个敌人”(I’ve had an enemy since childhood)。
- 在法律文书中可能出现,如“原告与被告之间的敌对关系”(the adversarial relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant)。
- 在文学作品中,常被用来描绘人物之间的冲突,比如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,家族之间的敌对。
4. 示例句子
He considered his former friend to be his worst enemy.
他把他以前的朋友视为自己最糟糕的敌人。 -
In war, the enemy is often portrayed as a monster.
在战争中,敌人往往被描绘成怪物。 -
She faced her enemies with courage and determination.
她以勇气和决心面对她的敌人。 -
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
敌人的敌人就是我的朋友。 -
They plotted against their common enemy.
*. He was seen as the enemy of progress in the community.
The enemy camp was located just beyond the river.
敌营就位于河的另一边。 -
She tried to understand the motivations of her enemy.
她试图理解她敌人的动机。 -
The treaty aimed to reduce tensions between the two enemies.
该条约旨在缓解两国敌人之间的紧张关系。 -
He wrote a book about the psychological aspects of being an enemy.
5. 同义词与反义词
- Opponent:通常指在竞争或争论中对立的一方,强调对抗关系。
- Adversary:更强调对抗或敌对的状态,常用在法律或正式环境中。
- Friend:表示友好关系,与敌人相对立。
- Ally:强调在共同目标下的合作关系,与敌人形成鲜明对比。
. 学方法教学
- 音标记忆法:将“enemy”分解为音节/ˈɛnəmi/,可以联想为“en”(进入)+“e”(她)+“my”(我的),即“进入我的她”——这样的关系是敌人。
- 词根记忆法:牢记“am”与“amicus”在词根中的意义,理解“敌人”即是没有朋友的人。
7. 关联词汇
- Hostility(敌意)
- Conflict(冲突)
- Battle(战斗)
- Rival(竞争对手)
- Threat(威胁)
1、[N-COUNT] If someone is your enemy, they hate you or want to harm you. 仇敌
例:Imagine loving your enemy and doing good to those who hated you.想像着爱你的敌人,为仇人做好事。
2、[N-COUNT] If someone is your enemy, they are opposed to you and to what you think or do. 反对者
例:Her political enemies were quick to pick up on this series of disasters.她的政敌很快注意到这一系列的灾难。
3、[['the' N, N n]] Theenemy is an army or other force that is opposed to you in a war, or a country with which your country is at war. 敌军
例:The enemy were pursued for two miles.敌军被追赶了两英里。
4、[[正式]] If one thing is the enemy of another thing, the second thing cannot happen or succeed because of the first thing. 敌对面
例:Reform, as we know, is the enemy of revolution.革新,如我们所知,是革命的敌对面。