时间: 2025-03-12 06:43:42
1. adj. 失意的,挫败的;泄气的
2. v. 挫败;阻挠(frustrate的过去式和过去分词形式)
1. 基本定义:
- 字面意思:Frustrated 是一个形容词,用于描述一种因无法达到目标或满足愿望而感到沮丧的状态。
- 词性:形容词 (adjective)。
2. 词源与起源:
- 词源分析:Frustrated 源自拉丁语 "frustrari",意为“使失望、使挫败”。前缀 "frustr-" 代表“无效、失败”,后缀 "-ated" 表示状态或条件。
- 历史背景:该词首次被记录使用是在17世纪,常用于描绘人们在追求目标时的失落感。
3. 使用场景:
- 在正式场合,frustrated 常用于商务和学术讨论中,如“我们对项目进展感到沮丧。”(We are frustrated with the progress of the project.)
- 在非正式场合,它可以用于日常对话中,如“我真的很沮丧,我的电脑又坏了。”(I'm really frustrated; my computer is broken again.)
特殊场合:在心理健康领域,frustrated 常被用来描述患者的情绪状态。例如,心理医生可能会说:“患者因治疗进展缓慢而感到挫败。”(The patient feels frustrated due to the slow progress of therapy.)
4. 示例句子:
She felt frustrated after failing the exam.
她考试失败后感到沮丧。 -
The team was frustrated by the lack of support from management.
团队因缺乏管理层支持而感到沮丧。 -
He became frustrated with the endless paperwork.
他对无尽的文书工作感到沮丧。 -
I was frustrated that my plans were canceled at the last minute.
我对计划在最后时刻被取消感到沮丧。 -
The child looked frustrated when he couldn't solve the puzzle.
5. 同义词与反义词:
- Upset:更强调情绪的激动。
- Annoyed:通常指对某事感到不快,但不一定是挫败的感觉。
- Discouraged:更强调失去信心的状态。
- Satisfied:表示满意和满足的状态,反映出与frustrated完全相反的情绪。
- Content:表示心满意足,对现状感到满意。
. 学方法:
- 音标记忆法:将“frustrated”的发音 /frʌsˈtreɪtɪd/ 与其意义相联系,想象一个人“frustrated”时的声音——可能是叹气或发出抱怨声。
- 词根记忆法:记住“frustr-”代表失败,可以联想到生活中的小挫折。
7. 关联词汇:
- Frustration(挫败感)
- Frustrate(挫败,动词)
- Frustrating(令人沮丧的)
1、[V-T] If something frustrates you, it upsets or angers you because you are unable to do anything about the problems it creates. 使懊丧
例:These questions frustrated me.这些问题使我懊丧。
2、[ADJ] frustrated 懊丧的
例:Roberta felt frustrated and angry.罗伯塔感到又懊丧又生气。
3、[V-T] If someone or something frustrates a plan or attempt to do something, they prevent it from succeeding. 挫败
例:The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff.政府蓄意挫败了他为其外国员工取得工作许可证的努力。