时间: 2025-03-11 21:28:09
1. n. 束;捆
2. vt. 捆
3. vi. 匆忙离开
- 字面意思:Bundle的字面含义是“捆、包、束”,指将物品捆绑在一起或一组东西的集合。
- 词性:名词(noun)和动词(verb)。
- 正式与非正式语境:在正式语境中,bundle常用于商业、法律文件中,例如“a bundle of documents”(一捆文件)。在非正式语境中,人们可能会说“a bundle of joy”(一团喜悦)来形容一个新生儿。
- 例证:In a business meeting, one might say, "We need to prepare a bundle of reports for the presentation."
- 引用出处:Business English textbooks.
- 特殊场合:在法律领域,bundle通常指一组法律文件,如“bundle of evidence”(证据捆绑)。
- 例证:The lawyer presented a bundle of evidence to the court.
- 引用出处:Legal textbooks.
- 正式与非正式语境:在正式语境中,bundle常用于商业、法律文件中,例如“a bundle of documents”(一捆文件)。在非正式语境中,人们可能会说“a bundle of joy”(一团喜悦)来形容一个新生儿。
- She carried a bundle of clothes to the laundry.
她带着一捆衣服去洗衣店。 - The children were a bundle of joy for their parents.
孩子们给父母带来了无尽的快乐。 - He tied the sticks together in a bundle.
他把树枝捆成了一捆。 - They received a bundle of information at the conference.
他们在会议上收到了大量信息。 - The bundle of rights must be respected.
- She carried a bundle of clothes to the laundry.
- 同义词:
- Package:侧重于包装和运输的含义。
- Bunch:更常用于描述植物或物品的集合,通常是自然生长的。
- 反义词:
- Single:表示单一的,与“bundle”形成对比。
- Individual:强调个体,反映分散的状态。
- 同义词:
*. *学方法教学:**
- 词根记忆法:记住“bundle”由“bind”加上后缀“-le”组成。可以联想“捆绑”这个动作,帮助记忆词义。
- 谐音联想记忆:将“bundle”与“本都”相联想,想象将东西捆绑好,像在整理自己的东西。
- 关联词汇:
- Bundles of joy(喜悦的捆绑)
- Bundle of sticks(一捆树枝)
- Bundle up(裹紧,通常用于寒冷天气时穿衣服)
- Bundle of nerves(紧张不安的人)
- Bundle pricing(捆绑定价,商业术语)
1、[N-COUNT] A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored. 包; 捆; 束
例:Lance pulled a bundle of papers out of a folder.兰斯从一个文件夹中拉出一叠文件。
例:He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms.他把一捆捆衣物抱起来。
2、[[强调]] If you describe someone as, for example, a bundle of fun, you are emphasizing that they are full of fun. If you describe someone as a bundle of nerves, you are emphasizing that they are very nervous. (强调人的特点) 非常
例:I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around.我记得米基是个非常有趣的人,有他在身边很开心。
例:Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs.高中生活并不是充满了笑声。
3、[V-T] If someone is bundled somewhere, someone pushes them there in a rough and hurried way. 塞
例:He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station.他被塞进一辆小汽车,被带到50英里外的警察局。
4、[[计算机]] To bundle software means to sell it together with a computer, or with other hardware or software, as part of a set. 捆绑销售
例:It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.购买与计算机捆绑销售的软件比单独买更便宜。